
True story: my dad’s old cell phone number was one digit away from a local bail bondsman, so he would occasionally get phone calls from people trying to get money late at night. I always felt bad for them.

Saying the show is politically incorrect is like claiming Colbert Report is politically incorrect.


My GF and I love the Seinfeld Series and we’ve rewatched the dvds multiple times. We would discuss which episodes would not be able to air on TV because PCness. And there are a few of them.

They don’t even know what they’re talking about

I’m sorry, I didn’t suck my thumb as a teenager, trying to kiddie pornify myself for attention and money, so I guess I just don’t understand. I should probably give up my feminist card for disagreeing with an adult woman who doesn’t like walking because there are men around to carry her. With all due respect,

My years-long male heterosexual friends are taking their sweeeeet time signaling to me that they want my married self to jump on their dick.

I appreciated that jez took a brief break from referring to this woman as a baby for this article. We don’t know much agency she exercises over her brand, but we can safely assume that calling her a baby (even as feminist commentary) doesn’t help and is pretty disrespectful to her as a person.

but do u still get carried like a baby tho?

Uh this gender stertoryping is wrong in both cases.

It’s hard for me to take her feminist point of view seriously as she dresses like a sexy 12 year old little girl.

It’s also great for their pocketbooks. Win win!

Yeah her team is responsible..except when she’s taking pictures sucking her thumb on instagram and being carried around everywhere by bodyguards because omgeee so tired after being on stage for two hours. And feminism is the rage nowadays...it’s about publicity.

I have thought this subject over extensively, and I have come to the conclusion that while I feel bad that women are marginalized in our society, the blame ultimately rests with them as the majority of women are too shortsighted, selfish, and close-minded about themselves to ever effect any real change from this world.

I’m intrigued by the juxtaposition of this essay (which was great) and her media persona. I can’t be the only one that’s slightly disturbed by her Lolita aesthetic. If you told me she was 12 instead of 21, I would believe you. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t criticism directed at her. I’m sure her team is mostly

Swift (v): When a female artist has moments of personal and / or artistic maturity that allow her to transcend a dismissive reputation as an innocuous or obnoxious pop novelty, often resulting in reactions of shock and confusion from more educated segments of the public. This often involves strong moments of self

I think white women like this more because she quoted another white woman they look up to. Beyonce has quotes from African activists and she gets the side eye from white women.

So no more Baby Grande? Kudos to her for her rant. It was perfectly on point. Don’t let them turn you into a Jennifer Aniston joke.

I am surprisingly super cool with people not wanting to put certain messages on cakes (political, racial, etc) but as long as they are willing to serve these people.

I understand his point generally. In my opinion if you refuse to serve someone based on their sexual orientation, that’s discrimination. But decorating a cake a certain way, then it seems a little bit like you’re compelling speech. I’m okay with drawing the line there.