
he is British, right??

Considering they have a celebrity guest, sometimes multiple, every episode, it’s pretty meaningless.

I’m pretty sure if you added up all the episodes (up to this point) in which Homer and Marge have marital issues, you'd probably have a complete season anyways.

And this would be different than the other, what, 500 times their marriage has been on the rocks? I do wonder if for a celebrity being on The Simpsons means you’ve “made it” like it used to mean.

Damn it. I rec’d because I thought it was a funny joke and didn’t look at the username.

Why no news about Emma’s crash - anywhere on the site. At all?

That’s similar to the premise of The American President, kinda.

This race has a bushel full of crackpots. Regardless of your political leanings, there’s an unelectable crackpot for you. Democracy!

I’d say s/he’s a pretty successful troll as s/he keeps being ungreyed and responded to.

Honestly, just about the only good thing I can think of that might come of a Graham presidency is that it might finally collectively dawn on America that the position of First Lady as an unpaid and generally well overqualified Mother, Wife and Hostess to the nation is a terrible outdated institution that needs to be

He’s unelectable, fo sho. He might not be as crackpotty as he’s being made out to be - but he damn sure isn’t going to be elected. He’s this election’s Nader....is that a good thing to strive toward?

Oh, Lindsey Graham is, too.

Yez. Lindsey Graham should not be president but this doesn’t even rate as a reason why.

The more I learn about ISIS, the more I don’t like ‘em

You need to learn what a straw man argument actually is.

I have said this before, and people didn’t like it, but fuck them, I will say it again. Feminists who do things this like this are hurting feminism.

I'm filing a Title IX complaint on you now, because reasons.

So, college students demanded that the college ban an app, thinking that it would magically disappear, and also demanded the college demand user info from said app and turn over the user info to the college students?

Um, no, dealing with trauma does not give one the right to make baseless accusations. That is not a thing.

So dealing with trauma gives them the right to fuck everyone else’s shit up?