
well he is British, those people still think Trevor Noah’s tweets are hilarious

Good. The British are huge misogynists and this will show we don’t tolerate this crap anymore , I mean even Stewart Lee believes banning women from squirting or orgasming in porn is a good thing and he is one of the better people in terms of women’s rights. He also thinks all sex under the influence of alcohol is rape.

Vince Vaughn is a good looking dude, but he is a pro-gun conservative drunk, so like... it is not like she was with him during Swingers.

according to this creepypasta, the simpsons already did that too


he is a gun nut, so yes

You are actually thinking about the meaning and logic behind a quote instead of laughing at it and not trying to understand it at all? I’m filing a Title IX complaint against you!

Bill Clinton wish he thought up the idea of a rotating first lady

And to think, the US almost sided with these people against Assad

I compeltely agree with you

This FUC group is an embarrassment. The more I read about them, the more they come off as a bunch of ego-centric twits desperate to be fighting for something, yet completely incapable of choosing worthy battles.

but surely a distinction can be made between rugby as a sport and the culture that surrounds men’s rugby teams in the US, right?

What? Hey how about you actually look up how much domestic abuse Soccer and Rugby Hooligans actually cause, before you try and say i’m trolling.

ever see a Rugby or Soccer game? All the people in the stands are like “Cunt” this and “Pussy” that in the songs. Plus the idea of men being allowed to hit a woman like in co-ed Rugby is extremely misogynistic

Well let’s have the stars decide, and when all of the feminists in the comments star that comment and agree with me, we will see how “fake” of an opinion that is

You can’t be a fan of Rugby or Soccer and be a Feminist, there is way too much miyosgnistic language in their songs. So all those “feminists” that will come to the comments to try and talk about how awsome Rugby is, just know that you are actually setting women’s rights back by participating in that sport

You know what would teach that college president a lesson? filing a Title IX complaint against them!

yeah, there are a lot of trivial things that people didn’t have a solution for that will end up getting them called Transaphobic for, the IMDB credits will certain be something they will need to figure out

See, that’s why it would have been a good joke. Honestly most people under 35 only know Bruce as the sad dad of the Kardashian family. His acting career really was shit

Am i the only one that seems to know that Clint stole that entire routine from Bob Newhart? Newhart did the same routine with some politican like back in the 1970s or 1980s. Of course it was a hilarious bit back then, but times have changed