
Fair enough - but you have to admit that the Liberal press has anointed Jenner as the second coming and treated this as if it’s the biggest and best news story since...since ever...

Erm, you do realize that Jenner calls herself a Republican, right?

I’m not so sure that Jenner’s transition is as widely accepted as liberal media outlets make it seem. Frankly, I’m about as socially liberal as they come and I still have trouble understanding trans people and trans issues. It doesn’t bother or harm me in any way if folks want to make a transition, so I’m all for it.

Ironically enough, she’s a repulican. She’s that parties best shot at making the changes they need to win future elections (without gerrymandering that is) but they are to damn bigoted to see it

You can be a feminist and still poke fun at how ridiculous some feminists can be.

Pretty cool? Wtf is wrong with you, she made a porno. No raped woman would make light of something like this, jesus

She’s defining herself through victimhood. Stewing in it. How is that in any way healthy or helpful?

Yea totally cool that she ruined a man’s life for something he didn’t do. What she did was horrifying and it’s the reason why most women don’t report rape in the first place.

As my art teacher in college would say:

Actually it’s pretty much the same love story as Twilight.

I think the message she’s trying to send is. Me!!

I think this is really awful. But that’s how I feel about all ‘performance art.’

I don’t get that either. I mean obviously she can’t expect everyone to ask permission before viewing this. So by watching it, we’re contributing to rape? I don’t get art.

Can someone who knows art explain this to me? Seriously, i have no idea what i’m supposed to feel here. I mean, based on the description this is a recreation of a rape, but it’s not supposed to be showing what happened in 2012. Ok i get that. But by watching it, someone i’m objectifying her rape? Ok then, why

And not all of the north is progressive. I lived in Kentucky and in New York. I found great, progressive people in both. I found racist shitbags in both. Granted, Kentucky had more openly racist shitbags, but in a way I respected that, because then they were easily identifiable and avoidable. In New York? You had to

I just remembered why I left Jezebel the first time. It was because of gross, classist bigoted articles like this one. The dude visited his family and you decided that was an opportunity to make fun of people from Kentucky. Ew.

Actually, that is the popular speculation. The entire reason he got himself a wife with some clout is that he wants to be taken seriously in another arena (ie politics), and the lifestyle he was living wasn’t up to it. If he goes the politics route, it will likely be in the state he was born in, as California and New

This photo reminds me of the ones I’ve seen with Angelina Jolie when she’s hanging with the in-laws. LOL

Those aren’t different, and I hope it was just that the photo was clicked at the wrong time. Just f-ing smile because your nice husband wants to take a picture with some nice old people. I don’t care if people talk funny, it’s hot/humid/buggy/common, and it’s all so provincial. Suck it up.

But also, I spent 3 months in Kentucky once. ONCE.