
That’s (usually) not true. Currency and government-issued ID are (usually) the only things off limits.

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Downvotes are meaningless, and just mean that one person disagreed with you and 200 other people want to be edgy.


What does falling off the dub bus mean?

So, here’s the thing. Anyone in actually in the top-10 percent of income would know that’s called being in the 90th percentile. It’s like how lawyers call themselves attorneys. Plus, you only have to make $300k to be in the top 1% (99th percentile), so claiming to be in the top-10 percent of income earners in America

Fair points, and I’d like to see more people open doors or hold doors open for other people. BUT - some people are bad at this. #3 is apparently something that needs post-doctoral education. People have tried to hold the door open for me while they’re still standing in the doorway. Sorry, sir - you’re not a ghost, I

Their system will not update correctly and even though the flight shows canceled on the flight status you will have to wait as seats on other flights disappear until your reservation updates with the cancellation.

Especially Bioware/EA, who should have told a fair percentage of its apparent “fan” base to fuck right the hell off years ago.

I don’t think he was surprised, I think he was jealous and became increasingly controlling, then depressed and resentful and a complete pain in the ass to be around.

I feel terrible saying this, because I remember loving Super Mario Galaxy, but I honestly don’t remember a single level. From either game. I remember running around the ship, I remember powering up new areas, I remember the little toads with like the telescope? And that’s all.


I have seen chocolate-y desserts made in an instapot that looked pretty good. But I can’t stand meat made in one (it is all so freaking slimey), I like my vegetables only lightly steamed, and I make awesome rice on the stove (seriously, people, read the bag).

Because without alternate building instructions like they used to have, LEGO replay value is lower. Giving the toys “action” features helps encourage play in our action-tablet-addled youth.

Because without alternate building instructions like they used to have, LEGO replay value is lower. Giving the toys “

You forgot “plant” in that list. Which is, like, unforgivable.

I like the one that’s a candelabra.

stash your debit card or cash in your shoe

That’s not even remotely related to what happened here.

At least 95% “working poor,” or as I would call it growing up, “very working-class.” Also, this population is probably more black and slightly less hispanic than the general population. Say, maybe 40% black, 55% white, 5% hispanic. (Source: I’ve worked on foreclosures, and this is my anecdotal evidence.)

pre-loaded with his favorites on the large TV in the private dining room adjoining the Oval Office