
Behave yourself.

Yeah mentioning R&M has always been a quick turn off for me and certainly won’t sell me on already disappointing sounding experience. Disney+ will do just fine to watch it at my leisure, in chunks, or not at all. 

Capitalist pig! You obviously don’t know about our five-year plans!

I felt like I was having a stroke at while watching this last night.


so spoiler alert based on the fact that DNA strands are featured in the credits, esp when Speelers’ name shows up, I’m going with the “son” is a clone of old Jack. We all know that cloning is a thing in the Trek world and Picard, having been cloned himself (Nemesis) won’t be happy.

Also the resembelence is almost TOO

to the OGL drama...

If every single person who read or reads Marvel Comics stopped going to Marvel films, they wouldn’t make a dent in the profits those movies make. Those movies aren’t made for, nor marketed to, comic book fans.

Same goes for this film.  The people that the studios are trying to get in the seats, are

I am still not sure why these companies are banking on and pursuing a market that really does not exist? Consumers have clearly shown there is little or no interest in VR beyond a passing “that’s cool” interest level.



NewYorker-esque cartoon: [two tentacled aliens regarding Rover McRoverface] “We’re safe. It’s only seeking signs of ‘past microbial life’”

Refinpo > Reylo

I honestly never thought I’d be that guy, but here we are... the very picture attached to this story  shows both the late Congressman Cummings (in the background on the left) and Congressman John Lewis. At first glance they do look remarkably similar.


Bernie Bros* terrify me. I’m afraid that they will react in the exact same way this time if their messiah fails again to nab the nomination. That they will stay home, vote third party, or vote Trump. Because, really, how have they been harmed by the shitshow of the Trump administration? They’ll scream online again

You don’t need to do anything. Watching and reading extra materials gives extra context, but you don’t need that extra context to enjoy what The Mandalorian or Star Wars for that matter.

I am very correct, but I appreciate how it has brought everyone together.

The bigger question about the Resistance allies is why did they actually expect anyone to respond in the FIRST damn place?

Without having read the links, I already know that

Then you may have missed the point of Luke’s scenes with the Resistance, they’re talk about broadcasts, and his heading out - alone - with a Laser Sword - to face a bunch of Gorilla AT-ATs. Then the scenes after are about kids across the galaxy talking up the story they heard from those broadcasts, hyping themselves