Capitalist pig! You obviously don’t know about our five-year plans!
Capitalist pig! You obviously don’t know about our five-year plans!
I honestly never thought I’d be that guy, but here we are... the very picture attached to this story shows both the late Congressman Cummings (in the background on the left) and Congressman John Lewis. At first glance they do look remarkably similar.
Bernie Bros* terrify me. I’m afraid that they will react in the exact same way this time if their messiah fails again to nab the nomination. That they will stay home, vote third party, or vote Trump. Because, really, how have they been harmed by the shitshow of the Trump administration? They’ll scream online again…
Without having read the links, I already know that
I can’t wait till the day till I get my pilot’s license and fly my own plane
Look, the headline is purely snark and grocery shopping frustration, but you raise a good point. According to the CDC, food-borne illness has increased. But I also think awareness and connectivity (social media, etc.) are a factor in connecting the dots to identify an outbreak.
Eh I think both can be true. Andrew’s extravagance has always been an issue. The appeal of having men like Epstein as friends wasn’t just the girls it granted him access to, but that he couldn’t live the lifestyle he wanted with on his own income/allowance/whatever and relied on billionaire friends to subsidize it. If…
Ya don’t have to do residency to be an engineer bro, this isn’t the medical field. Source: am engineer and never did a residency.
He took the same calculus and diff eq as any other engineer...not that this is particularly complex math. What does his experience have to do with basic geometry and vectors?
This ain’t it, chief.
Ok Boomer.
I think the real question is why are we not
I would absolutely pay to go see the weird superhero art film that is 50% finished movie, 25% people doing voice-overs to storyboards, and 25% cut-ins of Zach Snyder describing in detail what the he wanted to do in this part here, while at the same time explaining why, yes, actually Superman WOULD fuck your mom if he…
For the first time in my adult life, I was seriously thinking about strategy in a Pokémon game, and I had a blast doing it.
I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off
Yeah, that math didn’t work for me either. For that matter, why isn’t this “restaurant” seized and sold? It was used in the commission of a crime.