
WHY would you read this if you haven’t played the game yet?

TandooriSundew is best gamertag.

She does not, and you’re disgusting.

Sarah Ferguson would vigorously disagree.

My dream is that Canada leaves the Commonwealth and elects Harry and Meghan to be the King and Queen of Canada.

Plus the Emperor had Count Dooku while Dooku had Ventriss, and the Emperor had Vader while Vader had a whole army of Inquisitors.

Yeah that was what put me over. Like, what kind of monster punches a baby?! Also took me out of reading this review when Germain typed “It was all very silly and enjoyable until Waititi’s character, the bounty hunter turned ‘nurse droid’ IG-11, showed up and killed them, because for me it was “all very silly and

“Even unassuming human bite wounds are at risk for developing significant infections when not cleaned or cared for,” the report should have noted.

Any clue in there how the victory at Exegon could be seen from all the different planets in the galaxy?

Of course, it’s possible (though usually a pain in the ass) to pause something as it’s coming to an end and bypass the streaming service’s impulse to roll right into something else.”

“Maybe he’s out there in Force limbo, just waiting to figure it all out.”

and wisely ignores TLJ

What’s the damn point?” - literally everyone, about literally every choice J.J. made while making this movie.

It was just the ‘culture wars’ buttons it pushed”

Definitely depends on your past experiences - as someone who works with a lot of sinusoidal shapes, the third one did nothing for me, either. I could see the middle circle maintaining its orbit the whole time.

When the blue boxes appear, look at the space above the left-most blue box. You can see this what the creator means by “moving left to right.”

The audio in that shot is “General Syndula, please report to [Place].”

The one about Mall of America is misleading because it leaves out the passive solar heating.