But that feeling dissipated in half a moment, when I realized that I was actually holding my breath in terror, which I think was the desired effect no matter what name I stuck on the guy clinging to the side of the helicopter.
But that feeling dissipated in half a moment, when I realized that I was actually holding my breath in terror, which I think was the desired effect no matter what name I stuck on the guy clinging to the side of the helicopter.
These people cannot die fast enough.
Yes and no.
And if short ribs came from really smart animals that can basically talk, demonstrate emotion, and have complex social structures.
That LiveWire looks so bad. I can’t believe they expect that to compete with Zero.
Avocados are $0.79
I have been in one fight in my life, and it was a “first strike wins, loser walks away.” Not by agreement, but because I hit the kid who was sassing me way harder than he expected, and faster, and that was that.
I don’t think most Americans could get in—or out—of those pod seats.
Imitate. Intimate (as a verb) means to hint or imply.
Most border collies, some german shepherds, and a handful of huskies are probably Lawful.
That’s more feasible for terrain that can be done in a few steps and large batches. I just painted my first mini (a dwarf wizard) and it took me at least 8 hours. Granted, someone who is more practiced could do it a lot faster, but there’s just no way to make it feasible to paint minis unless you’re Big Toy and having…
I mean, come on.
Republicans aren’t worried because folks who voted for her would never have voted for them anyway
Okay, fine - but they don’t vote to support them. So what fucking good is that?
I have literally never seen anyone type “rethuglican” before.
I actually saw MAGA-heads on Twitter get mad at FoxNews (“they are almost as bad as CNN and NBC!” direct quotation) for reporting slightly critically--and only on the website--after the Putin fiasco.
Holy sweet Mother of Buddha, the look on Meghan McCain’s face is priceless.
You don’t need to copy+paste the same comment over and over.
Because he hasn’t had a press conference on US soil in almost a year.
Game of Thrones was the first time the reverse worked out for me; I saw season 1, had my mind blown by what happened to Ned Stark, and like immediately drove over to Barnes & Noble the next day to buy the books.