
That’s neither funny nor accurate, unless you have a seriously messed up GI tract and shouldn’t be eating greasy foods in the first place.

Papa John’s got me through law school. It is not great pizza, but unless you already have problems with your body, it doesn’t make you sick.

They’ve run a few of these lately. I think it’s just a fun way to see how little changes over time for some of our once-cherished celebrities.

How many legs does she have? Because either that image is poorly photoshopped (we’re talking calvin klein subway ad terrible), or she has at least two legs on the right half of her body and presumably more on the left half of her body.

It was at the top of the Op-Ed list all day yesterday. It’s not unfair to view that as NYT promoting the op-ed.

Yes, and every time a white guy does something terrible to a black person and the only evidence in the public record screams racism there is a “not all white people” op-ed in the NYT. Every time there is a mass shooting there is a “not all guns” op-ed in the NYT. Every time Trump makes a global ass of himself there is

With an XPS? I have an Inspiron and it is way beefier than I need for almost everything I do (which does not include gaming, because that is why God invented desktop towers) and the XPS are usually higher end than the Inspirons.

With an XPS? I have an Inspiron and it is way beefier than I need for almost everything I do (which does not include

The earliest score I saw for myself was like 640. I had busboy income and a debit card and student loans at the time, and had just applied for a student credit card (just to get the free t-shirt, which I lost a couple months later).

My best used car ever was an eBay find - drove halfway across the country to pick it up, the owner was a little misty-eyed when we drove away. Now I am getting misty eyed thinking about that car.

and poof, just didn’t seem like much happened.

You are literally throwing money away

You’re a terrible person if you think people who don’t have $50,000 saved away don’t deserve to have a house.

Even just saying “sub-Saharan” is racist dog-whistle bullshit. That’s where the “dark” Africans are from.


Maybe the time is nigh for the Democratic Party to fade away and the Democratic Socialists to replace them.

Justice Obama?


but they are journalists in every way that matters

It is weird that it keeps showing up in the list of new/popular posts, though.

Not when you’re white. When you’re white, anyone who isn’t white, even by just a little, is “ethnic.”