
I bet typing that made you hard.

Please, I would pay good money to have a real-life costume like Loki or Spider-Man or Black Panther. I would even pay good money for that sleeveless Hawkeye nonsense.


Thank you for calling CPowers out on his plagiarism.

That was, by all accounts, what led to the settlement that Trump loves to blame for the current situation, but is really just an excuse to double-down on the pre-settlement Obama policy. Trump and Sessions chose to go back to the old way. That makes them worse.


I am 100% sure he uses a shower cap when showering in front of other people, and probably when showering alone.

That actually seems less normal, and is probably the reason the sink is in the same room in the first place (because honestly, why else do you want your toothbrush and your poop bowl in the same room?!)

Looks like a chopped up Fusion to me.

Good looking car.

Sure, but when you take that attitude you risk keeping real victims quiet as well. Let the police investigate (if they want to, since they can’t take charges to the DA), let the press report it, and if there are other victims who come forward with newer or more provable claims then he will have his day in court, and

“They’re fine” is all the defense needed.

I bought Oblivion: Game of the Year edition for something like $14 after spending 6 months playing Skyrim practically non-stop. I couldn’t get into it.

Probable cause is based on the totality of the circumstances. Aside from literally watching someone commit a crime, no one thing (like flight) is enough to constitute probable cause on its own.

Need to fix qualified immunity, too.

The lady doth protest too much.

The chamber.

How big does a community need to be, or what percentage of it must be “strangers,” before shit hits the fan? I’ve played on Minecraft servers of 300+ regular users where there was little to no vandalism, and no one really knew each other. On the other hand, you put 50 people in a town square in ESO and all of a sudden

That’s every “machine learning” or “AI” process, ever. Oh the computer is spitting back out the words you put into its database? Big fucking surprise.

You... you don’t have to say “here’s your star.” You can just click the star.