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Now if we can find the asshole that created the sound of the modem.

Is it April?

Well there goes that commission.

It looks more like this, but less fun.

I hate, no I despise hand sanitizers, they leave your hands all sticky, susceptible to more germs sticking to your hands... what ever happened to good old saliva.

It’s the change in day length that triggers plants to either bloom and flower so it makes sense that light pollution has such an effect.

Was watching this yesterday and it reminded me of the Beijing Olympics. Seems like its business as usual.

See Alissa, this is the problem with you millennials or whatever you wanna be labeled as, always quitting when things get a wee bit tough.

You would think people would at least look at the funny pictures included in the Ikea comic book that comes with every package.

Now playing

Youre missing out on some serious nutrition there buddy.

I had their listeria meat balls the other day, it was to die for.

Hey, the North Koreans might be on to something here!

Oh great! So we can skip the whole bug in the nose form of transporting information.

This is the reason why NYers appear to be rude, but we’re not, it’s just that our financial system owns all the nice words.

I don’t even use voice on any device and yet there are recordings of me talking to ppl on my voice & activity list dating back 2015. That’s a lot of butt dialing.

Considering how contagious it is, I think they have every right to worry, specially if they want to have children.

I have no excuses.

This reminds me how I felt when I was on some remote little island far away from everyone contemplating eating fish for the rest of my life while sitting on the beach enjoying the view when I saw something nearing towards me from the ocean, it was shiny and light bounced off of it like a disco ball, I got up walked

Yeah, look we can get rid of zika and probably have a cure in a few months/years, but trump? .... we have to wait for him to die...that’s like another 20 years of the media giving this asshole a podium to spread his viral ideas, and infecting more assholes. I just hope my child doesn’t become one when he grows up. I