
Me neither, but this article about malaria/hiv might give an idea. (6th paragraph)

Yeah, wasn’t the zika brought to brazil by a major sporting event? I can’t find article in short notice, but I remember that being a major theory.

A relative of mine that works for WHO was told not to get pregnant here in the US because they are expecting it to become a serious issue. She was told that the fear is that ppl infected with zika here in US could get bitten by non infected mosquito and it could spread very quickly.

Wont these end up back in the ocean eventually?

But, I just thought my baby how to high-five, is that not okay anymore?

Perhaps not wearing such a.... scarf? ( That’s a scarf or cat45 cables?) In public might also help eliminate the rage being projected against you.

Is this the garcinia used as a diet supplement by Blake Shelton?


Really? Damn, I plug mine at least twice a day.

I use VLC, problem is that it crashes a lot on videos, and music library may lag at loading. Also making libraries can be tricky, I’ve erased some by mistake while trying to add more music to a particular library. But still use it as I’m used to it after so many years.

I want this!!!

I prevent hangovers by drinking water in between drinks, and after. Seems to work for me.

The wellness of our consumers is HIGH priority for our investors so it’s the reason we think some consumers may require a nurse to prevent them from hurting themselves as it will in turn hurt our profits.

You didn’t quit or call in sick ?? Must have been made with that Mexican weed.

That’s what the goal is, the lazyfication of our consumers (hence the reason for gov. Assist)

For $599 I can build my own. Heck you can’t even do kick flips over garbage cans with this shit.

So what you’re telling me is that they will confiscate my bars?

Guess I will not be having that shit burger today.

What would it take to get you to drive with a large box of them tasty things into NYC?

“how can I make this about weed?”