
The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t have one. :(

The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t

Uh I’m pretty sure that the “mini tournament” wasn’t the son against the mom and dad, it was the son against the two guys on the podium next to him immediately after the tournament. The three people in the tournament were Tamura, Nishi, and Mifune, which are three different last names so it doesn’t make sense that

Don’t worry, that’s perfectly normal for vampires.


Oh, you mean the companies he created that gave all of those people jobs in the first place? Yes, let’s just force him away from the companies he made because you don’t understand what he’s doing.

Just some good old boys, never meaning no harm...

no. the island residents aren’t complaining that helium is ruining their beaches, birds aren’t feeding helium to their young, and the ocean isn’t getting filled with helium. the problem is the balloon. seems like americans are no longer capable of reading comprehension or critical thinking.  

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream!

The new attempt at this in San Francisco actually just came out recently:

Well put. People need to be willing to solve problems even if it means acknowledging they were wrong about what they thought was the solution.

Solving homelessness is pretty simple. One of those red states did by....wait for it...give homeless people housing with no strings attached. It turns house it’s cheaper to house them than have them living on the street. And once they have housing it’s much easier to work on other problems - getting them back into

Right, we got it.  You get really worked up over a hot, sweaty Ajit Pai.  I mean, whatever gets ya through the day, right?

That would require him to have a conscience.  Or a soul.

A little more intense than I had to go, but the nuances of the rules are always fun when they work to your advantage.

This is what happens when nobody asks “how’s Waldo”.

Correct! Look at the differences in what westerners and Japanese considered SEX (as in sexy) robots.