The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t have one. :(
The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t…
The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t have one. :(
The downside of them is you need a GFE outlet within a couple feet of your toilet, and most american homes don’t…
Uh I’m pretty sure that the “mini tournament” wasn’t the son against the mom and dad, it was the son against the two guys on the podium next to him immediately after the tournament. The three people in the tournament were Tamura, Nishi, and Mifune, which are three different last names so it doesn’t make sense that…
Your comment is out of this world.
The amazing thing is, even with how shitty we are at investing in it here in the US, it IS still 1,000 times better than trying to drive into NYC and park for work.
The answer to your questions in order are yes and no.
GQ, of all places, has a mind-boggling writeup of how this plot was carried out. To answer your question: yes, these two women were absolutely set up, and it shows the DPRK has the most insane wetwork op in the world. The women were both impoverished sex workers, and they were recruited because they were disposable.…
Everything about pregnancy is scary. Especially the first one. It’s like that feeling you get when you’re in the last car of the roller coaster and the first car has already gone over the crest. That oh fuck we’re really going over feeling in the pit of your stomach. It’s like that for months.
You’re focusing on the wrong name. You should be focused on the name of the controlling shareholder of the Daily Mail:
The wall just got ten feet taller, you two
Some people have way too much time on their hands. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to drinking my gin and tonic and commenting on internet articles.
Challenger Explosion. Watched it live in kindergarten. When my teacher, Mrs. Hendrickson burst into tears, I knew some shit had gone down.
Ugh... an autoplaying video with TWO full length ads. Please don’t link any more AP videos. Link something from youtube... like this:
“It’s your money, use it when YOU need it” - JG Wentworth
I STILL don’t know her. Slaaaaaaaay
I agree, you gotta drop em sooner. I get WOOT and AMAZON deals at 12 am. Make it happen Shane.... A. Always, B. Be, B. Blogging. A B B! Who else is going to help drive the hyper-consumption to keep this party of an economy afloat?
I agree, you gotta drop em sooner. I get WOOT and AMAZON deals at 12 am. Make it happen Shane.... A. Always, B. Be,…
Once upon a time that stuff was based in reality, at this point it is just fanboyism. (I have a Windows desktop, a MacBook, an Android phone and an iPad. Instead of getting invested in a brand I get the product that suits my needs)
I like to decompress after takeoff just as much as anyone else, but this person went to great heights before taking the plunge.