
If you ask my wife, than the answer is YES!

Probably 6 or 7... it wasn’t really a confession, I was asking if God could somehow use his magic powers to force my parents to allow me to play atari that day.


You can screen cast what’s playing on the device via Amazon video, but it sucks because you can’t use said device until the video is over.

upholstery job?

Looks like it was made with wood remnants from the home depot.

I just got one! Darnit.

You Know what else doesn’t exists?

“This Cricket Courts His Mate During Sex by Tapping Her With Tiny Penis Drumsticks”

I had both, 4. Dogs, 2 cats at the same time.

“So add this to an already long list of reasons why a hotel room might not actually be your best vacation option”

Beaten to the punch.

See right there is the biggest lie in the whole god damn world.

I can’t believe I never knew of this. Now I have to go play with it.

Or do like this dad and build one!

I have a note 3. (5.9) Not a problem. I also don’t wear tight pants but I also don’t wear baggy pants. I can sit with my phone in my pocket no problem. (I put it in my front pocket so I don’t accidentally sit on it and break it)

Also masturbate! A lot... That’s what my coworker says.

“ Stop using so much damn plastic. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store. Recycle everything you can. Only toss plastic in the garbage as a last resort”

What happens when you get rid of the cushion?