
Is he accepting middle aged interns?

I never said I hated it.

nevermind...fixed.. sorry


"Put new up ones."


The stories that cat could telll....

I remember back in the very early 80's seeing guys on the block with Record player boom boxes at the park. I always thought they worked out just to carry them things.

Tell me where you are located and I'll tell you the best place to go.

I asked my cousin why he needed so many pellets for his BB gun and he told me that he used them to kill all the rats that slept, ate & shit on the popcorn kernel bags in the basement of the very popular Movie Theatre he worked at down town.

Yeah, I don't think that If I was a rat I could put up with it either, but then again there's all that food left on the side walks.

They take the subway...like the pigeons.

It's like the Rosa Parks of androids...

I for one, REFUSE to accept this. I will go home after work and turn on every device I have, my iPad, my Laptop, my Desktop and my mobile and tune it to porn sites. There will be s symphony of grunting and panting the likes my neighbors haven't heard before!