
“ HitchBot, say his name, remember him... Beep bop beep”

I love going home after work and just sit for a long time watching these. There are many others that I like such as walking tours, or driving around town videos.

I always thought that these movies where for kids between 10-15. Just to keep em occupied for few hours in summer when theres no school.

I don’t know when was the last time I enjoyed an article as much as this one.

“Tipton was convicted on circumstantial evidence, since his co-workers and friends testified that he bought the lotto ticket and gave it to his pal.”

I didn’t understand any of this, but I just want to make sure this is not caused by chronic masturbation....

Why can’t kids just build Cheetos dispensing drones. Or pizza delivery drones.

But these spongy ones are practically the same as the swiffer. You still need to replace the sponges. And they really don’t absorb that well. Trust me I was a pro cleaner at the illegal ripe age of 14.

Now playing

“To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.”

“ Seriously, if you cannot handle bloody images of open scrotums and penises with their insides being reamed out, do not look.”

This is the reason why we don’t have flying cars.

Thank you my friend. Now if the wife could be so understanding.

That’s right! I forgot about that button. I’m so darn lazy.

I dont pay for the service anymore, but I don’t mind the adds on the free version. In fact they allow me to get up and get a drink, take a piss, order some food etc.

Just wear a condom ppl. Don’t spread the monella.

I would be bragging if I made tons of money selling dental floss too.

I live on the 14th floor of my building. We don’t have bed bugs but every time we get one tiny little itch we blame bed bugs.

I’m sorry I forgot the /s