
Twitter, instagram, facebook, sexting, pinit.. to name a few.

have no fear our leaders are trying something that might just work.

Don’t they guzzle a lot of gas. Maybe that’s why I see more stretch hum limos than actual hummers... In nyc.


I can rest assured that my apartment will be above water, at the very least. RIGHT!?

“Keep on truckin’ Denmark. You’re giving the rest of us hope.”

NEXT, They will wrap us up in plastic like luggage.

This is also good.

I switched to go phone services and I see no difference from when I was on contract. WTF was I paying over 200 bucks for?

As a matter of principle, I’m still pissed about media center.

One of my worst experiences?

Man, that’s in Korea, were the trains are pretty freaking clean.

This is what I want see.

Damn man, look at all that shit around you to bang your head on. Scary.

Save your rupees. You know very damn well his kid is going into the army... To learn puters.

That cartoon explains exactly what just happened at the company I work for.

I think eventually theyll get this worked out.