Yes, let’s all mindlessly celebrate this walking talking puppet of Western imperialism who has successfully helped the western media make Muslims look like barbarians. There should be a political equivalent of “Uncle Tom” for Muslims.
Yes, let’s all mindlessly celebrate this walking talking puppet of Western imperialism who has successfully helped the western media make Muslims look like barbarians. There should be a political equivalent of “Uncle Tom” for Muslims.
Attendees Thursday were given a card asking them to pledge to vote for Clinton. Copies of those cards will be mailed back to voters just before the March 15th Ohio primary
This seems legit. If you start screaming at shit that has order, you can get out or you can be forced out. Especially if they actually have a protocol.
This is so BC.
Ugh, I hate that they’re caving to these idiots!! It just gives more ammunition to the anti-GMO, chemophobic nutjobs. They don’t see this as a PR move, but as “proof” that there was something wrong or dangerous with caramel coloring to begin with. Similar to the thimerosal in vaccines “controversy”.
Yes, thank you! Honestly, I would LOVE to see Hillary answer these types of questions in the same manner Bernie did. It is *wrong* to ask women stupid vapid questions about their appearance. Rather than trying to “solve” that by asking everyone those kinds of questions, how about we ask no one those questions.
fucking thank you
Its a gendered stereotype that is absolute bullshit, and the fact that anyone says anything about Hillarys appearance is just nonsense. However, I think it’s more important for idiot reporters to NOT ask stupid questions than it is to make sure you’re asking BOTH genders stupid questions. The question was stupid and…
Fuck the Chiefs.
I’m really surprised there’s not a single question about what so many find disturbing: a 15-year-old girl sleeping with her mother’s 30-something boyfriend. Is it pedophelia? Does she buy the notion that those were ‘different times’? So many questions that I would have liked to have heard her address.
Do we not like her? Is this the most flattering photo available?
I agree with you. I know the article says, “I know you guyz have already seen this, but...” But I haven’t seen it. I could I guess, but I haven’t. It seems weird to see someone’s penis when they didn’t want you to. He seems like a good sport about it, but jeez.
Idk I just really can’t get behind this.
It would not be good if it were a lady rocker that this happened to so why is it good to keep playing this.....he’s fine and he’s hot and yeah he has a nice cock, but stop okay seriously stop. Equity
I want to get behind a woman for president, and she talks a good game, but... Yeah. No. What sort of scandals have the Republicans Conservatives Zealots managed to drag out of the closet on the Obamas? None. Yet there are still mentally challenged people on the internet still claiming he’s a Kenyan.
The Clinton’s have…
He was probably enabled by Bill and Ted.
Well its funny. ..Dan ackroid had said some snarky things about the female remake...until they cut him in and also green lit his new male version. So yeah, cash was dans reason.
I’m amazed that defenders of this film are trying to make this an exclusively feminist issue. *Of course* there are sexist douchebags decrying this remake on the basis of its female cast on the internet. It’s the fucking internet.