but when I went to see Diary of a Teenage Girl
but when I went to see Diary of a Teenage Girl
I know this will be an unpopular opinion but Malala Yousafzai can go fuck herself, she is just the middle east version of Texas’s Pam Gellar, Malala knowingly provoked those people into trying to kill her and we shouldn’t be sad at it happening. Honestly when Malala and Pam are both provoking those innocent Muslims,…
well then its a good thing no one is listening to those religious people any more, Trump, Bush, and the other frontrunners are all pro-choice. I mean i know we are supposed to hate Trump here, but at least he won’t ban abortions like Huckabee (currently with less than 1% of the vote) would.
I can totatlly see the Trailer Park Boys taking this coarse
so can someone tell me why we all hate cigarette companies but marijuana companies are getting all this love?
that’s a pretty good response, plus I’m pretty sure men don’t know/care as much about brands so he might honestly not know.
it seemed like he was a bit thin-skinned.
yeah, this and his terrible attitude when BLM put him in his place is why i am no longer on #TeamBernie, Bernie Sanders is still just another clueless white male, he might have a few good ideas, but that doesn’t mean shit when he has such a huge problem with black people and women.
You can’t be serious,
is this really news? I’m pretty sure he said this a month or two ago. and tons of other times
baby steps, now that she’s part of the coaching team, she could have a shot in 30 years. I mean no one is ever hired to be a CEO from the start, everyone works their way up from just being a manager
way to be racist, not every black man hates women
I don’t know if its been talked about here, but its breaking my heart. Anne Rice is coming out against Political Correctness and she doesn’t like The Mary Sue
wow, maybe you racists should try to respect someone else’s culture for once?
So white woman like you are allowed to wear offensive Japaneese words on your body, but these people can’t wear the confederate flag?
Go back to Gamergate you stupid MRA. I love your stupid white male tears
Go back to Gamergate you MRA!
I think they mean teens at heart, I know a lot of women in their 30s who based on their Tumblr you would think were still teenagers.
spoken like a true misogynist. why can’t you be more like that superfeminist je suis cocopop?
Louis CK, Fassbender, Common, JGL, Amy Schumer, other people Jezebel loves