Julius Malema

Global Beets is almost always wrong. We agree on that.

That shift to smirk is very creepy and disingenuous. Very sex addicty.

Incorrect. That didn’t happen. He actually did the exact opposite. He fired all the air traffic controllers.

Diet Coke connection right? Haha

Yup yup. He isn’t even hiding it anymore.

Six days ago, a really close friend and I were hanging out at a local spot we both enjoy and talking about basketball, relationships, and cinematography. We both agreed that basketball was probably the pinnacle of human gamesmanship and from a rules/regulations standpoint probably the most structurally sound sport,

I thought I was the only one with the green avatar. Did you save to disk my avatar then reupload it as your own? Really weird if so.

Now that is funny. You think outer space is all fun and games. You’re Lewis and I’m Clark and together we’re just doing a little exploration between space naps and astronaut ice creams.

Global Beat is a well-known racist. Don’t bother. She’s also not from Jamaica. She’s from Queens.

I just wish the Alt Right would stop associating the Clintons with human trafficking and sexual slavery. That’s all this bill is trying to do, really. Another attempted swipe at Hillary Clinton. Didn’t work last time, won’t work this time. We don’t need any anti-sex trafficking bills. Things are fine the way they are.

If I were in charge of who gets to vote, who doesn’t, and who is launched into outer space I would make sure you got to vote. Very smart comment, and an even smarter retort to my question. Do you mind providing me with some “snark?” I’m still not sure what it is, and I think you are probably extremely good at it.

You obviously have no idea who Julius Malema is.

I didn’t like her until I read this article and now I like her a lot. Learn something new every day I guess.

How is that not funny?

The free market is way overhyped unless we’re talking about the market for votes because Democracy is perfect.

Same reason why Democracy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Think of the average American - An Absolute Idiot. And dumber in crowds.

The first thing that strikes me about your comment is that we both have green avatars, and yet we disagree so thoroughly. I wish I could change your avatar to a different color. This is really bothering me. If it’s not too much to ask, please change it immediately or at least before you reply to me.

No, you are purposefully obfuscating the concept, which is this: Chris and Riri’s relationship is rooted in violence. It wasn’t a single episode, they abused each other all the time. It’s actually a pretty big part of their relationship. They should still both be in jail though.

People like you don’t realize that Chris Brown is being used by the Alt Right to push propaganda. You are helping them when you say things like this.

Actually, I am the exact opposite. I am informed. Both Chris Brown and Rihanna are abusers. Both deserve jail time.