Julius Malema

The stars seem to disagree. The Damore memo could have been more refined, but it was more right than wrong.

This isn’t due to Sandy Hook lawsuits (which found Remington not liable), although it would be nice if it was. This is similar to the Toys R Us bankruptcy in that the private equity firm that bought them took out a shitload of debt to buy the company and then turned around and dumped all that debt on the newly

Let the market decide.

Or maybe I actually read it with an open mind. The prime focus of the memo is that there might be non-bias reason for the gender gap in computer science jobs. You know like even though women are a majority at colleges that they are less than 20% of the enrollments in engineering programs, and an even smaller

Whatever someone else told him to think, most likely his lezspin.com posting father lol Poor kid, won’t ever have a set of balls, won’t ever lead anything, here comes a liberal arts degree and no starbucks double shifts for life.

The only thing that man loves is himself. And I mean it when I say ‘thing’.

These kids are doing something—and fuck anyone who gets in their way for being brave enough to stand up, and sick enough of it all to not be told to sit down and shut up.

It gets funnier when you listen to people advocating eugenics, sterilization or at the very least who should and shouldn’t be allowed to procreate...

This is a parental thing. And, personally, my message would be “Hey, you do you, just be prepared to take your licks from the school. You’ll get no additional punishment from me.”

Fun fact: Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the 1980's.

Oh he worked for Reagan? At least he has experience advising a doddering old racist bitch.

Eh, I don’t care. Dude isn’t that arbiter, so whatever.

So is Misty Copeland stealing dance moves from Europeans? Did Leonytne Price steal from Europeans when she became an opera singer? How about Alvin Ailey? Please learn the difference between BEING INFLUENCED and Plagarizing. If being influenced is appropriation then we should be pissed off about Jazz, modern art, every

Never did like the Milton Friedman school of economics. Expecting the market to solve all the problems is like expecting John and Jane Q. Public to be well informed of the issues they decide.

Weird that the Illuminati that runs this site would focus on basketball, and not a guy who finished around 10th place in an Olympics that ended two weeks ago. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Um...far be it from me to defend the crusaders, but you’re leaving out...quite a bit.

When the fuck will we stop catering to these nutjobs? If you think any figment of your imagination (God, Allah, Jesus, Santa, etc) is talking to you, that is a mental health issue. You should be committed. Being in a “religion” (cult) should not excuse that behavior. 

I think Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate we’ve had for president, probably ever. I voted for her. But I think she is a polarizing figure and the best thing for Dems is to put a different candidate forward in ‘20. There are plenty of qualified and smart Democratic women and people of color who could run.

If you go back and reread this whole thread, one interesting thing to notice is that you’re the only one to bring up Bernie. No one said anything about him until you claimed others brought him up.