Julius Malema


Totally. Puerto Rico was thriving before Drumpf.

Puerto Rico is a bankrupt afterthought, as it should be.

Why does Emma4Change and the rest of the progressives’ new class of 12 year old leaders have nothing to say abou the FBI that failed to act on multiple tips, or the Broward Police Dept whose deputies and sheriff refused to enter the school while the shooting was happening?

Many white liberals love using the N word and the only context in which they can get away with it is the type of comment that you just starred.

Are you lesbian?

The shooting at Marjory Stoneham Douglas was the best thing to every happen to this little goblin. She’s all smiles these days.

They call those “ghettos.”

JFC information is not allowed here. This is an emotional space.

Gun manufacturers should donate to Democrats because Democrats are against guns.

I would much rather have twenty million lovely undocumented families from Mexico than one Dangerous Army Vet.

He is not a human and should not be treated as one. He is a defect, polluting the gene pool, and should be removed.

No... don’t make him a disillusioned cynic. Go the other direction. Make him a borderline insane extremist. Doesn’t matter which side - they will align once it all starts. Just instruct him to pick a side, left or right, and go as hard and far as he can. Really commit. Get tattoos and a police record for political

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Some 8th graders are 13. Some are 12. All are very tiny and undeveloped people, so weak as to not be able to survive independent of their parents.

He must have much stronger political feelings than I did when I was, what, 9? What are his strongest beliefs?

Good job helping your son organize a walkout for his middle school.

That is a very serious and important matter, not a funny one.

They take his horrible example and apply it to a larger group. If you simply allowed for the possibility that maybe this is half Rihanna’s fault their Chris Brown Boogeyman Toy would be taken away, but you all are too narrow-minded about this and can’t do it.

Shit is not typically a topic of my online conversations, so we probably do not agree on that one. Right again! We are doing well. I like you.