Julius Malema

They both domestically abused each other. It was a mutual, reciprocal thing. How Rihanna gets no blame for her role in the violence is beyond me.

Oh come on. I’m all for repealing the 2nd Amendment and confiscating guns but this is kind of a funny story. Or maybe you haven’t experienced a classroom from the teacher’s vantage point.

Basketball as a sport is wonderful. It’s only when the players start getting paid that they act like complete degenerates.

This is a formal request for more Adam Rippon stories and less NBA nonsense.

I disagree that this win is a victory for symbolism only.

Dominionist. Dominionist... why do we keep using that word? Nobody knows what it means. Well, educated people do, but educated people already know what you’re talking about. We need to be convincing the ignorant masses in the Flyover States and they aren’t going to look up what “Dominionism” is. So, how about we use a

I totally understand your concern, and I get why you are clearly super frustrated by my comment, but let me just try to clarify it. It won’t take that much time, and I’m pretty sure there is loads of info on Google and other websites so that you can do a really deep dive into the topic and find out exactly why

California is that last remaining hope for the American Dream. It is no coinkidink that it is the state that is home to eighteen million DREAMERs.

Yeah, hey, so I agree with you in general, kinda? You need to put a disclaimer in here about Christianity versus the rest though. Your statement applies pretty much to Christians only. Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus... they are all normal regular everyday people. Or are you putting them in the same mentally ill

I don’t know. Green or something. Who cares?

How is the weather in Vladivostok?

Just wanted to hear you say that again :)

Solid NO on Kamala Harris. Too much baggage and she doesn’t deserve to be the First Woman POTUS. Hillary has waited her whole life for that job and that legacy. Kamala can be POTUS after Michelle Obama.

Hillary Clinton is the only fresh new face America needs. Trust me. I follow politics very closely. That’s why I said what I did about Bernie and his minions. Not many people know that little tidbit, and even less want to talk about it. Even so, it’s a discussion we absolutely must have if we on the left ever want to

I reserve the right to be lazy on occasion. No, I was talking about your “I miss the old TF” claim.

Don’t lie on the internet. It’s unbecoming.

At least they are on a coast. Can’t say the same for Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. Coincidentally all areas that went Trump.

“Hillary is not the only person in the world.” - TRUE

No worries. I will be collecting many other farms. I am enormously net positive in the farm ownership category.

With replies like this one, it can’t come soon enough.