
o ya they doo

My college boyfriend was from North Dakota. He and his family were pissed when this movie came out, “We don’t sound like that!” They sounded exactly like that.

Christianity in this country has always, from the very beginning, had a huge persecution complex, regardless of the amount of actual power that they hold in the community or their proximity to people actually being persecuted. The idea that it is strange for people in the “mainstream” to be out and proud about their

The problem with the study is that it only asks why older women remain alive while completely ignoring why men, infertile people, or gay people remain alive when they serve no reproductive purposes either. It’s as if women’s sole purpose is to have a baby and then they become useless. Males of many species fuck and

El Fenix isn’t THAT bad...

If anyone actually read their Bible and saw what, the description of that, it’s disgusting.

There’s so many women that are not pro-choice, that are pro-life. And to say they’re not feminists, that they’re anti-women if they’re not supporting another woman is, you know, that’s to me what’s wrong with feminism. That is a turn-off for me as a woman.

It’s not just better training required for police officers. We need to stop hiring sociopaths for the job.

Why do you think dolls are so creepy?

When you mention the sycophant bubble Dov lived in, that just hits the nail on the head. The really fucked thing is he is really convinced he is that seductive, because he has a very well rehearsed script for getting people into that bubble.

Vaccines are not Big Pharma at all. I could not be friends with people this stupid.

Ahh, I remember the halcyon days when Gawker Media had a guy who wrote weather analysis...and rather than move him to a different umbrella they fired him, and in an effort to save money and capitalize on the popularity of his subblog, have other people with no meteorology experience write about it instead...

Well OF COURSE I’m going to laugh at you. That goes without saying.

RIP The Vane. Gone but not forgotten.

I’ve started using Wunderground as well. I too had used 1Weather all the time and found that it was becoming unreliable. I wasn’t sure I’d like WU, but it’s been very good so far.

This is another example of how a sense of entitlement can embitter people. Just because you decide you WANT a family at a certain age doesn’t mean you’re going to automatically get one.

With Shkreli in cuffs and the affluenza kid on the run from law enforcement, it seems karma is determined to get some unfinished business done before new years eve. Even the warring factions in Libya and Syria are talking again.

No worries. The feelings have to be with being attracted to cartoon character rather than what the lie references. I find Archer very dreamy.

He was going down the wrong path and thankfully found the way out. He is now back in college and feels like an “old” at almost 23, as a junior. He is wise beyond his years though and really, really smart. But I’m his mom. I am just incredibly proud of him.