
Holy crap, now I see why I wear a 12 when I wore a 16 as a teenager and weighed 25 pounds less.

Oooh, white bucks instead. Flare your nostrils a lot.

Were these guys behind NOKA chocolate in Dallas/Plano back about 8-10 years ago? Same scam, didn’t end well.

I take comfort in my ironclad belief in the Big Wheel of Justice, grinding slowly but oh, so exceedingly fine. Trust me, children, it exists. Vile people I have known over the years have been punished in ways even I, with my black black heart, would not wish on them.

That makes feel slightly better for collapsing in great gasping snot-filled tears when I had to put down my kitties over the years. Crying so hard I couldn’t talk.

Can anyone tell me where to find the best drunk commentary live-blog? Cause those are the BEST.

It ENRAGES me. Oh, that Constitution balance of powers thing? Supremacy Clause? No, doesn’t apply to Ken, because he has feels.

For you and everyone else out there agonizing over debt - talk to a bankruptcy attorney. We can’t do anything about student loans, but for other debt, it can make a major difference in going forward. We’re also pretty sympathetic. We see people in incredible distress all the time and know how bad it can make you feel.

Amen. NO BURLAP. Itchy gross shit that doesn’t belong anywhere, and fugly as all get out. Did we learn nothing from the crafty 70s?

Thank you for clearing up the reason for the “pompon” spelling. Used to enjoy correcting people as a former copy editor and snippy little bitch.

Does anyone wear Hermes Caleche? I was given a bunch of samples when I started working real adult type jobs 30 years ago, wearing pantyhose and heels, and it made me feel soooo grown up. When I wear it now, I still feel like an elegant lady. All mature and put together and everything.

Used to go camping there, and was amazed by the proliferation of nasty little bars. I swear there was one every mile on the back country winding roads. We had a tough time finding gas, but by god we could buy beer every 10 minutes. Needless to say we stayed off the roads after dark.

These are awesome. I have stoopid dreams like being unable to find my purse. More, please.

See, that makes sense. For some reason the escort cards tipped my limit on how much twee crap one has to provide for the wedding. The lavish loot bags for guests and candy buffets had me almost there, though.

Fuck me and fuck my life, because I just googled escort cards and hit a website of how necessary and important they are, and I just want to set all this shit on fire and dance. DANCE.

Forgive my ignorance, but what the holy hell happened here?

Hell, it’s what city or town you’re in. I remember trying to buy a tall boy on my way to the hockey game once. On the west side of the road, no go, as that was Addison. A-OK on the east side, which was Dallas.

Happens all the time here in Texas, but the rules are actually kind of complicated. Have to be 21 (and take training) to cashier at a liquor store, 18 to serve drinks, and a pulse to preside at the Git In Get Out checkout. I suspect this is the special Walmart south of the Collin County line that has the liquor store.

Oh, just stop it.