
If this Navy vet was completely bald and wore a suit, I'm gonna start running for the exits as it means the TV show Fringe was real.

YES! The best dental guys in the area have Faux News running every time I go there. I actually prefer Service King teevee because they have nitwit game shows.

I laughed at your comment because the "BE PREGNANT RIGHT NAOW" urge hit me really hard when I wanted to have babies. Wanted it so bad I would secretly cry. I was lucky to conceive pretty easily, otherwise I would have driven everyone crazy.

Just checked, and right now they're on sale! Woot! Thanks!

They have very cool souvenirs. The whole attraction is kind of tongue in cheek and definitely worth the stop.

Finally! Someone else has made the incredible orange jello-circus peanut salad! Did you find out that if you don't eat it the first day, the circus peanuts melt?

(Pats sofa) Come over and sit by me, fellow waistless one. I am glad you are here.

I'm waiting for the fashion world to pick up this trend I learned from my kids when they were little: Shrug halfway out of your coat, keeping arms in sleeves. Skip happily around store, no longer hot and sweaty.

I want. What's the brand?

I bet I could make a ton of money selling these books on etsy.

A photo pleeeeez! They have got to be great if you have them in 5 colors!

Well, yeah, they are - super salty and kind of gross. But I, like EVERYONE ELSE here, snarfed all 4 of them down. Ensure you have a cola product handy for afterwards.

Size 11 in high school suuuuuuucked, as back then 11 only came in weird dowdy models. Clarks are great.

Can you explain the doors in fields and hanging windows in trees thing? I liked the sheep wandering around the last wedding I attended, but they came with the in-laws' farm.

PLEASE NOT TEXAS. I will start screaming again.

Yes, because the thoughts were BAD ones! I needed to engage outside my messed up mind and process happy/engrossing/diverting things. Video games and anime/manga did it for me. Still love puzzle games.

My cynical theory is they could do that and still pretend to listen to people prattling away without looking rude. That's what I do, anyway.

I recognize this state, and I'm glad that it wasn't permanent for me. It seemed to be a result of some awful things happening and depression, and my mind kept circling a cesspool, so to speak. It did pass, due to meds, cognitive therapy and time.

Not to mention those torn paper towels sticking out like fins. Fiber, children, fiber.

I'm clutching away, too. I've ranted before about this, as I think stockings are part of the uniform if you wear a skirt. There is an advantage in having a somewhat standard look, in that people don't focus on your duds but think about what you're saying. I'll wear stockings with a skirt even if it's 100 degrees