
You can't go wrong with pink frosting. On everything.

Agreed. Also the shortening/butter components stiffen up so you can hold a large piece easily over the sink.

there are people who don't cut tiny slices out of a cake but grab handfuls and stick them joyously into their gaping mouth holes

Wait...this reminds me of something...

Nah. Crabs. Or...so I've heard.

Gas can rattle your insides like baby kicks, says someone who has birthed both babies and magnificent window-shattering gas (fortunately, not at the same time).

I don't know but he MUST be in it. Perhaps frantic costume changes and multiple roles. Now I am drooling.

Oooh, yes, with songs about beards! Someone get Harvey Fierstein STAT.

I would kill to see the long version of this.

The "I love you" scene with Trevor had me crying with laughter.

Go on...

When I have that much boobage spilling over my bra cups, I think my bra is too small. Anyone else?

We're a lot more dry. We tend to avoid phrases like "god fearing" and "you will be 'outed' so to speak."


Hot pants! So vintage, so now. Glaargh.

My eyes are burning now due to not blinking for a loooong time. Words fail me.

Nope. I left. Started my own firm 25 years ago. My life is MUCH better than theirs.

Fuck. I encountered the same logic when I asked for a promotion in an uber-male office. Took me a few years to realize that I would NEVER be "xxx" enough for these guys.

(Raises hand) Trying on coats and blazers is horrible.

Aw, hell. Really? I'll dip into the 1x section every now and then because of wide shoulders, but I had no idea they were shorter. Fuck. I need talls in everything.