The Mom Brain Panel is how I imagine Jez headquarters.
The Mom Brain Panel is how I imagine Jez headquarters.
and i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked 4,349 to fall down at your door gasping "please marry me, i am so desperate for attention"
So if someone is offering deals on MAD GINSENG over the internet I shouldn't believe them?
That doesn't rhyme.
He's a predator who exploits inexperience and the notion of consent being this one-time thing to abuse his victims. I've stumbled across this blog (…) and found it really informative in putting this whole story into a larger context.
Actually, just the clarify, when it comes to BDSM sex, the sub is actually in control. Yes, the dom does all the dominant stuff and takes action, but the dom is constantly listening to and watching the sub and they have complete control over what happens and when things need to stop or change.
At least, in a healthy,…
I love you for saying this. Look, this Ghomeshi guy is surely a creep and probably a rapist, but for the love of pete, I don't need to hear the phrase "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" twice in as many paragraphs. (And "kinkster"? Really?)
FFS, people just do not understand consent and I don't see why it's so hard. I mean apply it to the most basic of concepts.....say, riding in a taxi. I hail a cab and consent to you giving me a ride in exchange for me paying you. That doesn't mean you get to just come grab me off the street, throw me in your cab, and…
The more I think about it, the more creeped out I am by this Hale lady. Okay, some lady wrote a bad review and maybe lied about the book. It's called trolling. It's the internet. It happens. The fact that her response to this was not to try to dispense with concerns over the content, but rather to ACTIVELY STALK THIS…
I've seen that video. Hot dudes, poor production value.
Working theory: What if she's been reading a lot of Edith Wharton and just subbed in a snowmobile for a sled?
"Marc Jacobs is controlling me. Help me."
Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,…
no need to make a distinction. Both categories deal in selling fictions to the public.
Now I understand why Dennis and Sweet Dee turned out the way they did.
Let's not make fun of mental illness, please.
They gave her one 'traditional' boys name and one 'traditional' girls name. What the F is the problem here? That the child has been given options while it is still young enough to not know it might want them? Why is everyone so protective of kids bucking traditional gender roles when they get old enough to get bullied…