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Allison Janney in 10 Things I Hate About You

Yup, Taylor's personal brand does seem to "Gap Commercial."

Apparently, we can also expect distractingly unlightened eyebrows on Zack.

scat (play).

Not only is the image offensive, it is apparently inaccurate.

The limp pink rose and stardust-speckled pink glow around the Beast's dick are really nice touches. Brava, Tara.


Is there anyone in particular you want us to email when we see these comments?

Wanna hop a flight and get Laid in Manhattan?

KFC Customer Apologizes for "Stealing" Piece of "Chicken"

Or "I'm easy on Tuesday mornings."

That type of guy sounds fairly ideal to me right now, which probably means that I'm fundamentally broken.

You know that something is a rare thing of beauty when it makes you both laugh and cry, often simultaneously, within 4 minutes. Art and honesty truly is an awe inspiring combination.

I hope everybody bought them chip and dips so he'd have to wait in a never-ending return line. (Problems separating TV from reality)

You are a genius.

No kidding. First stop, court ordered therapy. If that fails, my next stop would be restraining order and full custody petition. He might not turn violent, but I doubt it's that big of a leap for him to start flooding her email with harassing messages.

Having worked for a divorce attorney, this thing would be one of the first steps for a quality family lawyer if she hadn't already gathered sufficient documentation herself.

I worked at a handwritten check place. Minus having to know all the meal prices and adding up the bill, it really wasn't a big deal. Then, we started taking credit cards, and it became the absolute worst. The combination of a slow machine, not taking AmEx, and extra calculations at a busy restaurant that didn't have a…

YouTuba: A tuba that oompahs to drown out the noise of noxious commenters. Spoiler alert—dust of your dirndl because you'll always be hearing music.

Love the bit. Love love her. Not so much love for the lack of continuity with Conan's hair sweep.