So how much do you need to make to be allowed to have kids?? My husband and I just had a baby. And we make in the top 5% of US incomes. But in order to live in a community with good schools near family support (and 25K in property taxes), within 1 hour of our jobs in Manhattan, fund our retirements, his college…
I’ll make sure to tell my sister that she shouldn’t have had a baby with a guy who died 4 months later. She should have seen that coming. What an idiot.
Not really.
Fuck you. For real. Take your ignorant bullshit elsewhere.
You mean like planning to move to a country with paid mat leave? But no- you’re right- no middle class people should be procreating. We should definitely leave that to fundamentalists who don’t allow women to work in the first place.
i knew it would only take minutes for one of you assholes to emerge.
I too enjoy pricing human beings out of bodily functions.
It also sounds like a problem with our healthcare system that she couldn’t leave her job because she was the one with the benefits.
Jerking off to the thought of denying refugee children entry to America.
This is tragic of course but I really hate the whole “You’re leaving your baby with STRANGERS!!!” Um... no my husband and I actually visited the daycare, met the caregivers and did our research on whether or not the facility was licensed/the policies they follow. My daughter is now 2. She loves her caregivers. They…
As someone else has already pointed out, they’ll pretend it was accidental I bet.
Anyone else terrified for these women and the employees? I would not put it past these assholes to leak all that personal info to anti-choice psychos.
I'm sorry you live with so little joy.
Also for aging pets. Says the woman who just put a step stool next to her bed for her 14-year-old tubby tabby.
We have two cats who are very small by daytime. At night, they somehow expand in size to take up a whole king-sized bed. Seriously. There is no way of lying down without being poked by a cat doing an impression of a sleeping starfish.
As much gleeful Schadenfreude I get from reading about Josh’s situation, it’s really tempered by the sad situation Anna is trapped in.
I think no snark is the appropriate response. This shit is so sad. And it has to be looked at through the lens of the cult. She was raised in a cult, she has lived in one her whole life. She is quite literally brain washed. It breaks my heart. It is so difficult to get away from any cult, much less one that you've…