What if she was diabetic and off her meds, would that be okay to talk about? Maybe we need to quit thinking about mental illness as a dirty little secret that needs to be hidden?
What if she was diabetic and off her meds, would that be okay to talk about? Maybe we need to quit thinking about mental illness as a dirty little secret that needs to be hidden?
Okay, I literally just rewatched A Scandal In Belgravia today where Sherlock Holmes looks at Irene Adler’s safe and says ‘I really hope you don’t have a baby in there’ and I feel like this is some spooky cosmic shit and that these parents put their baby in a safe just to make weird coincidences happen for me. I…
This is how I feel, too. I’m female, but I’ve always been ridiculously sensitive to heat (I’m also overweight, but the heat sensitivity long precedes that). Cold I can deal with pretty easily—put on more layers! Wrap up in a blanket!—but short of air conditioning, with heat you’re just stuck. Not to mention that while…
Hi! Overweight dude here. I’m a big guy... 6’2”, 225 lbs...
So what you’re saying is this episode could be renamed...
When I saw the first episode of GoT, and Kit Harington first came on-screen, I said “well, there goes Orlando Bloom’s career.”
I’m hoping it’s the whole Young Griff thing because...it just seems like GRRM was thinking...you know, Dany’s storyline lacks any real sense of urgency, let’s replace her with a teenage boy who immediately invades Westeros
Let’s post this in the comments on Free Republic without telling them it’s a joke, and watch them go nuts. C’MON, IT’LL BE FUN...
valar morghulis. what’s the High Valyrian word for producers?
IMO he’s not going to change anything because he’s not going to write anything. I mean, he works on the show, but at this point it’s more to help them maintain the general mood and story spirit that he had in mind. I’m as sure as I can be without a crystal ball that there will be no more books.
It’s the most extreme case of relative attractiveness in actor vs. character! Jon Snow, sooo pretty, yet quite commanding and sexy, with a deeply manly bearing about him. Kit Harington, objectively nice-featured, yet not appealing in any similar way. He’s pouty and petty-looking, like he’d be the type to throw things…
I’m still holding out for the Jon Snow being half Targaryen theory
So basically NO ONE READS THE BOOKS???
Just give me the baby and the Steve Buschemi dog and we will all go live happily ever after far the fuck away from these garbage people.
For fuck's sake, what is WRONG with people?! It's only 9:30 am but this may be enough internet for today already.
If it was her egg and a sperm donor that was implanted into the surrogate would you feel like he had a responsibility? That surrogate would not have had the baby without them asking her to. They brought it into the world. I don't care if it wasn't her egg. It's not like her husband had an affair and expects her to pay…
I think that you have to know a whole lot of back story in order to understand this article. Or something. I don't understand it.
Yep. She was part of the contract that caused this child to exist. Without her willing support, the baby would never have come to be, so she damn well is responsible.