God, that poor young woman. I just can't. But David Cook, the columnist, is my new favorite person.
God, that poor young woman. I just can't. But David Cook, the columnist, is my new favorite person.
Ah...here's one... that is some GOOD surgery, actually...he's rather beautiful.
I would love to see a less shopped picture of his after look. ...and I am totally in the "if he is happy, go for it" camp.
I sometimes feel as if transwomen will be the last group of people in our society to get acceptance. We aren't even at a state where most people are aware of the issues they face, and certainly there isn't societal tolerance.
I can usually find a quip or a joke to make these things seem less threatening.
Well, since there seems to be lots of evidence of the assault, I hope that the assailants are arrested. If that does not happen, I hope that Tyra and Janell file a lawsuit against the authorities for not prosecuting, and against the perpetrators themselves.
I would go along with that. And given the repercussions of animal abuse (such as this attack) I think jail time could definitely be justified. I feel bad for the dog; I feel bad for the kid; I feel bad for the kid's parents; I don't at all feel bad for the dog's owners.
What's so different about a dog attacking a child and a dog attacking a squirrel? Dogs are animals. Domesticated animals, yes, but animals nonetheless. Why are people shocked when one attacks a child?
Except it has been widely demonstrated that they were not taking any kind of medical precautions with their fertility use. Its reductionist to imply their second pregnancy was a surprise given that the treatments were very "hands on" with regards to viable embryo's.
lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?
The teenager that still lives me says "no-they were angry at petty adult b.s. that wastes their time (like most of high school)"-and my adult self who has taught h.s agrees.
So you hate high school students and you hate the school system in which you teach. I agree with apeshapedmanreturns, it sounds like you finding a different line of work might be in everyone's best interest.
If this is your honest, educated opinion maybe teaching isn't for you.
It's more like they're brain is integrating and that they've got quite a lot of cognitive development to go.
This was sent to a lot of men as well (according to co-workers), so this isn't a "you're a lady, HAVE A BABY" thing. I do mass external emails frequently and something like this can happen if you mess up your outgoing lists. Someone done effed up though, that is for sure. There is no way this is a marketing ploy...…
I apparently have the whitest white ice cream truck ever in my neighborhood. It plays Für Elise.
I am disturbed by this. A university is now putting itself in the position of regulating the off campus activities of its adult student body by mandating that they can't be associated with certain groups without risk of expulsion.
Where does it say she didn't use any form of birth control?
Oh totally she did. I get pregnant as often as possible just to have an aspiration curretage abortion/pedi/mani.