I think it's less directed at potential perpetrators than the bystander guy or the guy who suspects his housemate might have taken advantage of that passed out girl or something.
I think it's less directed at potential perpetrators than the bystander guy or the guy who suspects his housemate might have taken advantage of that passed out girl or something.
I always thought he was a little goofy but when he took Paul Ryan's bullshit behind the shed and spanked him repeatedly in the VP debates, I liked him a lot.
"Then my heart melted, reconstituted, exploded, reconstituted again and the evaporated into a cloud of glitter and joy."
So....that's not really what I want to see on a stamp. I like the drawings, but I think I prefer to mail my cards and bills in with flowers and Liberty bells. (FTR it's not because they are of gay men, it's because I don't really equate mail and sex, heh)
Am I a prude if I don't want ass on my mail?
I don't think Jezebel trolls are exactly arbiters of what a "normal" life is.
How did I miss this? I've never heard of this and just googled it. Shit, we really do learn nothing about anything having to do with child bearing in school, do we? Was this when I heard something about her being in the hospital early on?
Trust me - you don't want what she went through to have this body post-baby. She had hyperemesis gravidarium, which by most diagnostic criteria means she lost at least 5% of her pre-pregnancy body weight and maybe more. As a current preggo who had HG for 5 months and managed to lose nearly 10% of my pre-pregnancy…
I think it's lovely, too, as was the presence of a female elder.
I hope this doesn't come off as offensive or condescending, but that greeting is adorable and so sweet, and I want to greet everyone like that.
He's a Maori elder and it's all part of the traditional welcoming ceremony: he's probably bursting with pride, so no wonder he's smiling from ear to ear. :=)
-Has kids
It might be because I forget to wear pearls while vacuuming.
You must not like children or old folks enough. Try harder.
I read all the books about making tasty dishes. But does my husband even take a single correspondence course that could lead to a promotion at work? No.
Clifford Adams was the 'doctor' behind the long-running Can This Marriage Be Saved column in Ladies Home Journal. And guess what? The problems in the marriage were always the woman's fault. Even when the husband was beating the crap out of her. The wife was told to make sure she was well-groomed and pretty. The house…
All I learned from this is that Modern Bride mentioned female orgasms before Playboy did.
My retro advice: Start smoking, or start eating.
Judas H. Priest, would it KILL you to make a man a sandwich and try not to look like a slob?
But where's the section on wedding colours for your dog wedding?