Social Security?
Yeah, my office pretty much runs like that. The two women are project managers so we are default secretaries/office managers. We are also the only employees who don’t get reviews or raises. I am using my maternity leave to find a new job.
That’s awesome
Yes, we all know how into the kinky sex stuff muslims are
I’m pretty lucky that I reconnected with my best friend from my early twenties about 2 years ago, then she got pregnant 2 months before me. Its so valuable to have someone who is going through what you are at the time.
:( please don’t blame this on Bucks County, we aren’t hicks, this guy is just a fucking monster.
This is the next town over from me. Its a suburb that literally borders Philadelphia, its not even remotely rural its just extremely fucked up.
I get 6 weeks and its totally not enough and not even at full pay. I plan on taking 6 additional weeks without pay...still not enough.
One of my coworkers took 2 weeks after his wife had their baby and my boss was like, you’ll probably be bored and feel pretty useless after a week so feel free to return early....yeah, he didn’t.
yeah that’s the real reason why....but uh, not because you won’t be the ultimate sex object that angle....
Wow, never get on top because its not a flattering angle? And to get up and primp at 4am so he doesn’t see the real you? Very sex positive.
We have selective service right now, it hasn’t stopped shit. Maybe we just shouldn’t go to war.
Not really though because if you are in college you don’t get drafted.
yeah, I think progress is not having a draft, personally.
Yes, they should make it clear to their guests, who come all corners of the world, that any body of water is dangerous because it could contain alligators.
the rule in florida is ANY body of water could have an alligator in it
yes “old times’”
The apartment complex my father in law lives in has a lake (like all complexes in Florida) they signs specifically say “Now Swimming, Alligator Danger” I think that should be the standard.
Thank you Jia. I am 35 and currently 31 weeks pregnant. As soon as I read about the cost and the roof, I was going to find a way to donate to him. I already donate regularly to Women’s Medical Fund because access to abortion is a basic human right. I am pretty amazed that being pregnant with my wanted baby has made me…