
I’m personally less worried about the illness than what its going to mean for day to day life. They cancelled school in Japan for the next month. Having plans for childcare, working from home, sick leave, etc are far bigger concerns of mine.

My son is 3.5 and is a major threenager, plus he’s still in diapers. He’s very sweet, funny and doing all kinds of awesome things but it also a complete shit that makes me want to pull out my hair daily.

I don’t even care about sports and I have been reading Deadspin for years. Thanks everything you all do and we got your back. If they fire you all or you quit en masse, i’m sure we’ll all follow you wherever you end up.

Wow, I suspected this would be the case. Anyone who write for G/O who has integrity should walk off the job. All of these sites are going to go down the hole real quick.


These really are fantastic.

I’m kinda hoping they are setting us up a bit and they actually do start to examine this stuff. Its not like these criticisms haven’t been out there.

Yeah that should have happened in season 2. I am a pretty committed fan but wow, this season’s just over the top with complete disregard for the world they created in the first season. And yeah OfMatthew being super pious, I was like OF COURSE they would make the black handmaid the snitch right, just fucking of course.

I think you are the first person to describe Cory Booker, aged 50, as a youth in a very long time.

yeah long and lazy sounds nice. My commute home is still at least and hour and then there is a family to feed after that and bedtime as usual.

I wasn’t told it was being done. I was on very low epidural and I honestly just thought the midwife put her hands in me to pull him out a little. I found out when they examined my stitches the next day. I knew I tore, I felt that so I knew I had stitches.

I have friends, in their30s, looking to buy NJ shore property right now as if they have no fucking clue that it will be worthless in 20 years.

Also I am sure happy you got the transplant, he was waiting as well.

I believe you. My father was in the ICU for three weeks at Hospital at the University of Penn last fall where he passed away, they charged his insurance over $1,000,000.

I also started a new job with a similar plan. I pay $164 biweekly with a $6000 family deductible. My employer contributes $3000 to an HSA through the course of a year. Now I had surgery last year with my copay free insurance at the former employer (who fired me right after the surgery) so I am crossing my fingers

I fucking didn’t. I swear having a newborn is so traumatic I would never do it again.

When my son was around 4 months I started cosleeping because it was easier to nurse him laying on my side. I woke up to him struggling to roll over and breathe. It was absolutely horrifying. I also used a RNP for the first two months. I am a bad mother.

Thank you. Sometimes I get randome advice like “why aren’t you all sitting to dinner at 5:30.....uh cause I am sitting in traffic at 5:30? I am fine with my kid not being in bed by 7 because he’s generally sleeping till 7:30 am. I honestly thing its a battle between my 2.5 yr old son and my 44 year old husband and I

That sounds ideal. Of course I am not at home so I can’t control what goes on. I know there is at least usually an attempt. What’s worse is he still doesn’t go to bed really early when he doesn’t nap and when he does, we’re not seeing him fall asleep till around 9:30 even if he start his routine at 7:30 :/

He is doing it himself. He isn’t in all day school. He still takes 2 hours naps 3-4 times a week but other days he just refuses.