
He’s 100% Grade A Beef

It sounds like a lot of doctors are starting to weigh the pros and cons around mental health medication and finding out that the risks of mental illness outweigh potential risk to the fetus. I would ask see someone else if you feel like being taken off your meds is dangerous to you. I agree though, we are given lists

The only consequence from having sex, I feel I should have to deal with, is the post-orgasm sleepies.

Thankfully I was never made to do such a thing in catholic school. They tried to get us down for the march for life since we are a couple hours from DC. In 9th grade I argued with my religion teacher that there is no way I could ever march against abortion, he was pretty dumbfounded.

I don’t know if it comforts you to hear that you aren’t alone. Silence and shame are very often the emotions we use to cope with terrible trauma such as this. Even writing this now was incredibly brave and I am sure reading these articles triggers some terrible feelings. I hope that you are able to find comfort.

As someone with labia pain, i was sort of intrigued by this suggestion but I am also prone to UTIs. Is there anything else I can do?

Damn, I am 3 days shy of 35....I’ve noticed myself growing tired of advertisements lately.


Man teens need to go out and shoplift or smoke cigarette butts off the ground or something....

You should start a weird fan group for a certain celebrity pet and use them to target other celebrity pets you deem unworthy.

I like that these changes were made over 25 years ago too....like whose still mad about aerosol hairspray?

Kaliber by Guinness is a NA beer that will satisfy. My recovering alcoholic dad introduced me to it.

Yo, I’ve turned to non alcoholic beer a few times. Especially if you are enjoying wings with non preggos drinking beer.

Really? I’ve had a total of 3 drinks in my 6 months but by your estimation that means I’ve gotten black out drunk more than once. Some people have addiction problems and will need to address them when they become pregnant, some of us just really craved a hoppy beer one night.

I’m entering third trimester and all I can think about is wine, I’m very close to asking my barely drinking spouse to get me a bottle at the wine store. It only gets worse right?

so bitty!

UGh, the last time i saw one of these a half balding dude with a long pony tail and a penchant for ron paul libertarianism was playing it.

I think in most states women are covered under medicaid/s-chip for prenatal and delivery.

I can honestly say this is more about him than us. We are a small company of 25 employees. Our insurance is his insurance. He has 3 children and a wife who needed heart surgery last year so he’s pretty price conscious when it comes to insurance.