
My friend has a narcissist mother she hasn’t seen in 10 years. She hasn’t even spoken to either of her parents in 2 years. She still wants so hard to please them. I told her that they aren’t good enough for her, its true. She deserves people who love and care for her. Tanya, you deserve the same.

The insurance we had before I would have had to pay 20%. Thankfully they jacked up our premiums and my employer shopped for new insurance just in time.

My friend needed an emergency c-section at 27 weeks and her son was in the NICU for 3 months. When she got the final “bill” it was for over $1,000,000....her insurance covered it all.

Thank god my employer switched insurance 2 weeks after I got pregnant. We got amazing insurance and the doctor and hospital I intended to use were in-network. According to our coverage chart the total cost to me will be $0. I can’t begin to say how amazingly lucky I am. I can’t stand to think what it would take to

Yes that have existed for literally 30 years. Thanks for letting us know that you know nothing.

It is but Just makes me feel like I’m 15 again, so I’m probably biased.

Everyone I know who wants to be super serious about being a Radiohead fan claims OK Computer to be their favorite album...I’m weird in that I love Hail to the Thief.

I believe pineapple express too

I said in another comment, I have taken significant time off at work in the past year to be with my father every time he’s in the hospital. I think all employees deserve time off for various things, including illness (of them and their families) personal time, etc. The idea that those of who procreate want you to all

Or maybe, you know, they are women who are struggling to keep afloat and are upset that their struggle is being called a vacation.

The benefits are also for medical recovery. Every human, regardless of whether they bear a child may need a medical procedure (or have an illness) that requires recovery, or to support someone who is recovering. I think its an incredibly narrow view to think the only time off a woman might need is to have a child, a

Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t ask for my father in law to move to fucking florida but he did.

I think people have vested interests in women do one thing or another. I prefer to get full information and be allowed to make my own decision. It seems like there are too many people concerned with scaring women into submission.

The author is a bit of a crusader. I was introduced to her blog via jezebel about a month ago, she really hates all things “natural” parenting. She even wrote a blog the other day about how natural parenting causes post-partum depression, which she is a non-psychiatrist and that shit is just tone deaf and insulting. I

I feel like this is increasingly becoming the standard. My practice has 4 OBs and 10 CNMs. I only meet with CNMs, unless something happens where I need medical intervention, they will be attending. I am delivering at a very new hospital in NJ with a birthing center. 3 large private rooms with jacuzzis, if something

That sounds awesome, I hope that’s how my delivery in August is!

That’s how my practice in NJ is as well. A CNM will be attending my delivery unless something goes wrong.


I hate to say it but I lost 50 and its amazing that as soon as you stop how much you can gain back in a little amount of time. I basically struggled to keep a 40lb weight loss for 5 years. As soon as my schedule/life changed so that I couldn’t work out 4-5 times a week I gained 25lbs back in about 9 months. Pretty

I am a very direct communicator and I feel like its hurt me professionally. I am not going to change however.