Do you need to be warned?
Do you need to be warned?
I saw someone post an insane meme that he’s a berniecrat which means he’s voting against any Democrat who votes for Hillary in the convention. He’s so woke he’s helping elect republicans, cool story bro.
I know plenty of them were posting these same attacks 8 years ago as Democrats.
Dear Father Frank,
HAHAHAH I tried to make the argument that there was no way she’s a size 6 on here like a year ago and got torn to shreds. She looks like me, I’m basically a 10. No we aren’t plus sized but thick is definitely something Amy and I share. I think she looks great, I also happen to think I look great but I really doubt…
mmmmm gouda
Wow that really is different! I think it’s beginning to change here. My OB/GYN practice has a team of 10 CNMs that all non-high risk mothers see, the obstetricians only see patients if they are high risk.
Yeah I knew people were judgemental, being the last in a group of friends to have kids have already subjected me to that. This is why I stay away from mommy groups altogether but damn, I didn’t expect this on jezebel. I think a lot of it is general defensiveness to protect what they believe to be right, which for them…
Yes, it was very sad especially because his older sister died from the exact same thing when she was like 18.
my friend died peacefully in his sleep at 31. He had heart arrhythmia and had a heart attack.
Interesting, my mother’s experience with me has shaped a lot of my views. I was born in 1981, I was 2 weeks late and when my mother went into labor, she was told I was breach and needed a cesarean. My father couldn’t be there and they didn’t use a curtain. She said it was the single most horrifying experience of her…
Oh no, I know that labor takes awhile.
Don’t hospitals also charge more for cesareans?
You shouldn’t take my personal decision for myself as a condemnation of what you did or want to do. I know plenty of people who were fine with theirs and others who weren’t. I don’t want that for myself. I don’t care that they had them but I also don’t want to feel like I am pushed into surgery because I am viewed…
I totally agree, I love vaccines and doctors visits.
So you are saying “older” women can’t have vaginal childbirth?
Most of them had their kids in their late twenties. I am having my first because I didn’t meet my husband till I was 32. Its not because I was getting a PHD or anything.
I used the word that was quoted, jesus fucking christ. you are awful.
fuck off