Everyone’s crush???? Torn was a hit when I was in highschool and I am 34 now.....i think everyone forgot she was alive except for this one, sad, lecherous loser.
Everyone’s crush???? Torn was a hit when I was in highschool and I am 34 now.....i think everyone forgot she was alive except for this one, sad, lecherous loser.
yes it is, i am very blonde but i get errant hairs around my nipples and under my navel and I LOVE plucking them!
LOL I had the same reaction but opposite when my friend who is Mexican say my rosy red nipples and was like WHOAH you’re nipples aren’t brown????
i have them too....now you aren’t left out
I have them and they can be squeezed like tiny white heads or like those keratosis bumps on my arms.
I don’t know how I feel about your avatar
its because women have been taking leadership on this issue, so they were appealing to her as a woman. Yeah I think its fucked up that men aren’t expected to do the same but their voices are exceptionally loud in the gun debate.
there isn’t much I can remember from 12...i smoked a lot of weed though....something tells me Swift BFFs probably won’t....hmmm....
Her fans are like 12....I don’t think they will be learning the most important life lessons from their favorite popstar in middle school.
8 inches is definitely bigger....my guy almost makes it there and its like the second largest I’ve ever seen and not to out myself but I’ve seen a lot of dicks. Most of them are around 5 inches.
I think the statement about the pre-nup is all about her image, she’s a “romantic” she will sign one but she’s not making it public because of true love and all that.
we don’t even have a waffle HOUSE, you get an additional Waffle TRUCK? That sounds like an awesome wedding.
I guess its having a realistic expectation that you aren’t always going to be happy. But if you are screaming and throwing things and constantly complaining about your spouse, you can’t tell me its just because “marriage is hard.” Which seems to be what I hear from plenty of people I know who seems to have pretty…
yes, we complain about most people to one another...we are tied to one another through our mutual hatred for most Americans.
I am not married yet, we are getting married soon and we have what I believe a very healthy relationship partially because we both worked on ourselves intensely before we met, so I think we have a good relationship because we understand our needs, what’s important and how to deal with conflict.
I am getting married in 2 months....and this is how I feel about him now, and I am positive I will continue to feel the same way about him. Things in life can be really hard but its so much easier dealing with them with him by my side.
The couple who burpees together, stays together
I think leaving is very hard, so don’t let me comment make you think you should pack up and leave tomorrow. Sometimes its a years long process, we need to undue all the damage the abuse has done to us to really even gain the courage. I hope you know there are plenty of people to talk to when you need them, you aren’t…
Unless your marriage is happy because you are both really good at dealing with little things that can become obstacles. Then maybe people could learn a thing or two.