JujyMonkey: unstable genius

Anyone who somehow expects Madonna not to do the weirdest and often least attractive thing didn’t live through the boob-cones of Vogue or her wretched cowgirl phase for Music. She has never given a shit about how she looks, only about iconoclasty. That said, for people who are trying to look their “best” (whatever

-co- signed, your Auntie

This is your mother speaking and honey, it’s just not attractive on you. Any of you. 

That lead photo looks like she uses the same plastic surgeon as Ida Lowry in Brazil.

Man, that reminds me of a former friend who kept telling me my wife was domineering and too aggressive (for, I don’t know, asking me politely to get some cheese while I was getting a drink at a party?), meanwhile he also likes to get pegged.

I read an op-ed today that said one reason for Dump’s latest spate of idiocy and horror is not to establish anyone’s innocence, but to make corruption and guilt the new normal. Why else pardon Rod, for example?

We missed you!

I’d call it ‘pale salmon’ myself.

You’ve written a billion fantastic articles here, and I credit your 24 hour beauty routine article for starting my skincare revolution. You will be missed!

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Too late!  Now you must look upon my typo and despair!

Calling you a racist, is probably the least offensive thing that more than half of the country would call you

That would violate the Clean Water Act


Oh look, it’s that pink and orange dress!

This is petty. Deliciously petty. I am so here for it.

God, why can’t this toxic asshole fall into a river and drown like Narcissus did?

It’s actually a good question. There is someone or some organization behind the scenes that are ensuring that the persons picked will dismantle the department that they are supposed to oversee. That is clearly a far right arch conservative goal; so someone smarter than Trump is ensuring that their evil plan to destroy


Underrated comment.