JujyMonkey: unstable genius

Maureen Dowd? You needed to post HamNo’s header picture of her wearing her golden blouse, looking thoughtful

Only on calendar days that are divisible by 1.

Thank you. I came to say “Today??!!”

Don Jr is an asshole everyday.

Shut up, Tomato

“All may now look upon the Emperor’s magnificent new clothes! Be in awe, unworthy subjects!”

No other response necessary.

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

I wanna put a flaming bag of dog shit outside his door so badly.

I think AOC’s political future is going to hinge on next year’s election. I do like her walking the walk of what she believes and hope she gets the opportunity to continue to do so, however she’s up against the infernal living machine that is the USA politics and culture. 

The deplorables who think she’s a classier first lady than Michelle Obama.

Who in their right mind would voluntarily watch this shit?

World Leader Pretend is one of my favorite REM songs.

I get that it sucks when your guy gets trashed, that it’s a blow to your ego. Why not be aggravated at his performance? He could have said the things that you all want us to take for granted about him - that he wouldn’t do that today, that he regrets he had to make these “compromises,”* that he would unequivocally

“It was planned.”

Trump is remarkably consistent at lowering the bar

Jezebel: “Drink Jezebel’s piss, NRA-TV!”