JujyMonkey: unstable genius

Who’d have thunk that President Piss-Pants couldn’t take an evening of good natured ribbing?

Sorry, but nothing is worse than Max and Ruby.

GOT- why the heck are you grey? 

Aw, thanks y’all! I’ve missed you too.

Trump told audience-goers: “I don’t know if this is a fact, but she had a horrible social media account. She’s, I guess from what I hear, a very strong woman, a very dominant person, so she can get people to do whatever she wants,”

Fuck off, Don.

I’ve always appreciated your work here, Anna. But not a goddamn Grim Yelp Review of Gizmodo media?

Calling you a racist, is probably the least offensive thing that more than half of the country would call you


The dress was blue and white.

I see that Dershowitz and Rudy Giuliani share the same dentist

God, why can’t this toxic asshole fall into a river and drown like Narcissus did?

Isn’t him promoting a product, etc like a book kinda illegal? Or do rules and laws not apply anymore?

How is it that DeVos is still hanging on to her gig? Haven’t most of the OG band of scum and villainy been disgraced or run out of town?

If it isn’t someone he wants to fuck, cheat, demonize, humiliate Trump sees nothing else.

Fair point.

DonJr says that every night into a mirror, while crying

Shouldn’t this be at 100%?

I have no issues with this creep offing himself in jail

Maureen Dowd? You needed to post HamNo’s header picture of her wearing her golden blouse, looking thoughtful