Except in the 10 year stretch I was referring to the division had at least two teams represented in the playoffs six times. And in the 07/08 season we had three teams make the playoffs.
Except in the 10 year stretch I was referring to the division had at least two teams represented in the playoffs six times. And in the 07/08 season we had three teams make the playoffs.
This is bad. I agree it’s the worst division this year, but certainly not always. From 2000ish to 2010ish the Titans and Colts were consistently playoff, even Super Bowl teams. It’s undoubtedly been a bad say, five year stretch, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves with this “always” bidness. NFC South and West...and…
Trump is a monster, but it’s easy to tell other journalists to break out the guns when you’re not the one who has to pull the trigger, Ashley.
You’re you. In a movie about you. You finally told that dipshit guy/girl who treats you like shit to fuck off. What song is playing as you triumphantly walk away?
It’s Raising Arizona. You monsters.
Tangent to the “Im a writer for Deadspin” question... has anyone ever gotten a little too uppity in person about something Deadspin put out? Like to your face?
I lived in DC about 5 years ago and I saw Drew in a Walgreens. I didn’t say hi, but I did take a picture and text it to me friends. Sorry about that.
TRICK QUESTION. The correct answer is load all 100 bullets, off yourselve and your wife now has a cool $100M to go pamper her new St. Lucian pool boy.
What are your top 3 famous actor/actress that would fare the best in a decathlon?
Yeah, but.....those eyes..
Dan Snyder and Jared Fogel are equal parts aroused by this.
Now I supposed you’re gonna tell me the mermaids deep in the ocean look like Kathy Bates? Where does it end, TOM.
I’m saying Eli is Milton from Office Space. Always there for you. Forever dismissed. Will one day burn it all down in the form of interceptions.
Say what you will about him as a player, but Eli has never missed a start.
All time favorite comment
Saying someone got way out over their skis is an awesome phrase and I’m going to use it at least 4 times this weekend.
Wild: One Syllable
How is this a HOT TAKE? The article is literally about how he’s not good and is the third string QB.
No objection to the Goff argument, but Sam Bradford has been a starting QB in the league for like 8 years despite some significant injuries. I’m not saying he’s a great QB, but consistently starting in the NFL for years is a successful career in my book.