Judas Mauricio

I want to commend you on describing the occupants of the second vehicle as innocent bystanders (even though they were not standing by) and not describing the people in the crowd as innocent bystanders. I don’t wish harm on anyone, but they weren’t innocent bystanders, they were idiots there to participate and take in

Serious missed opportunity not calling them Birkensocks.

Serious missed opportunity not calling them Birkensocks.

Perhaps with a manual, I’d be willing to forgive the molasses acceleration because the torque would be there to help with taking off from a stop

99% of buyers could care less about handling. 

Neutral: Nothing. Embrace it.

So the Uber logo is essentially a huge roll of toilet paper… interesting.

So the Uber logo is essentially a huge roll of toilet paper… interesting.

Those valid points don’t fit the Jalopnik narrative though. 

Before everyone starts saying that a similar size wagon or hatch has the same space, what you are missing is the vertical space.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

Good thing she didn’t buy an MDX then.

Do women ever actually buy that line?

“And Dog help you if you need to fix any modern diesel.”

I think you’re confusing rally with a GM dealership. 

Owner decided it was actually too reliable and wanted to step up to a Range Rover.

I am a committed manual transmission fan, having daily driven a stick shift until I was 69 years old. Now that “aut0matic” transmissions are often quicker and more fuel-efficient than manuals, the only reason to buy a manual is that you like to shift. Unfortunately, not enough new car buyers like to shift and so

People are just dying to ride in one.

I really don’t understance why guys do this.

I bet he was uber pissed

Mustang is the last car standing.

It’s the “dent goes here” indicator.