Behind Mike Glennon at the movie theater?
Behind Mike Glennon at the movie theater?
“If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”
Well actually everyone does kinda die exactly when they should of....
The Browns were always second class citizens in St. Louis.
OK stop spouting this ridiculous liberal bullshit. I mean honestly, how fucking dumb are you?
On this day, let us also remember Laura Wagner’s email account, and pray for the Dead Letters which await us. Amen.
Gregg Williams is a bounty of bad takes.
Like he cares about helping people avoid excessive force. Hell, I saw 3 G’s just reading his name.
Unlike the Browns OL Coach, I can see you’re a huge fan of stretching.
20-25 percent of NFL players are able to come back
the Nationals could sure use a reliable reliever
Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.
Buster Busted By Beanball Because Brinson Beef Briefly Burned Bright
the retirement of offensive lineman Richie Incognito
Category: white people
May this movement catch fire like a mighty river.
I mean, sure it looks bad but we should really wait for the New York Times to interview these people to see if they’re sad about a steel mill closing.
“God, these people disgust me with their sexism and backward traditions.”
Ironically, he could use some work on his offensive lines.