Here’s a great Unethical Life Pro Tip: Since the cowards at G/O Media have suspended comments at Deadspin, come on over to Lifehacker to tell Jim Spanfeller what a horrible piece of shit he is. Fuck you, Jim, you spineless waste of space!
Here’s a great Unethical Life Pro Tip: Since the cowards at G/O Media have suspended comments at Deadspin, come on over to Lifehacker to tell Jim Spanfeller what a horrible piece of shit he is. Fuck you, Jim, you spineless waste of space!
Fish having trouble with women. Maybe Matt Barnes can help?
No one - not Taylor Swift, or any other rich, white, conventionally attracted white woman - is entitled to a number one spot. “Blocking” and “kept out” are both phrases that implicitly give ownership or the rights of a place to someone - and Taylor Swift does not “own” the number one spot.
I’m actually a little sad about this one. Yes, the name of this store was really off-putting, it kept me from stepping foot in there for ages. But on the other hand, it was a fairly reliable source for plus-size office appropriate-stuff that wasn’t too expensive, and it was nice being able to find clothes in a store…
So Rebel Wilson is playing the same character as always - and Anne Hathaway is still hated by everyone?
“Do you think it’s subversive for black Americans to don cowboy regalia? Or is the cowboy mystique just as much theirs as it is anyone else’s?”
If I had a nickel for every upper middle class white parent that I’ve heard whine about admission statistics by race (which they actually know nothing about) or say, “Do you know how hard it is for a white male to get into college these days while a black kid with the same grades gets in so easily?!”, I’d probably be…
Previously, on Splinter:
“Exploited! Black Women’s Pain!” has a nice ring to it.
Hello, former IP litigator here. People keep thinking that a trademark registration is the same thing as owning words or designs, and that just isn’t the case.
What’s that old saying again? “Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.”
While I do recall the phrase from When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost, I have to say The Pretty Brown Girl, aka Auntie Peebz aka CaShawn is the first person I ever saw use it in everyday language (via her tumblr). I even bought some of those shirts for me and my niece from her tee-spring.
“Baby Roe was approximately six weeks old on February 10, 2017.” Then it isn’t a baby, it’s a fetus or clump of cells in a woman who isn’t a mother and chose not to become one at that point of time. This is enraging, the complete obliteration of the woman as anything but an incubator is horrible. I’m surprised they…
6 week old embryo =/= 6 week old baby, ya douche.
How about instead she addresses the disingenuousness of the criticism coming from Republicans. The party of “good people on both sides” and Steve King is not scandalized by Omar’s comments. And acting like Republicans are acting in good faith has zero chance of gaining any Democratic votes from the right or center, but…
I take issue with the charge that she should have worded her critique better. The Benjamins one? Sure, it was an inartful statement. But these latest ones? They’re being mischaracterized and approached in bad faith. I’m just gonna drop this very well stated point from a Paul Waldman op-ed in the Washington Post (emphas…
There: A place
And just imagine if we compared “Samantha” with “Zendaya”!