Being anti-Israel’s treatment of Palestinians =/= anti-Semitism. FFS, BCRI.
Being anti-Israel’s treatment of Palestinians =/= anti-Semitism. FFS, BCRI.
Even the north terminal is nicer than a lot of other airports (New Orleans, St. Louis, San Diego, etc). I’ve always liked Detroit’s airport. I think it was just named 3rd best in someone else’s rankings.
How is Detroit worse than Atlanta? Unless you have to go from one end of the terminal to the other, Detroit’s a breeze. Atlanta has god-awful security, is always mobbed, and it’s death if you have to go from one terminal to the other on the doom-train.
They just don't believe black women are women, period. I'm done with this fuckery.
Um, did you see the preview of their plus size capsule collection with Universal Standard? It is the most ugly ill-fitting cheap looking mess. Pass.
I read this earlier and when I got to the very bottom I admit there was a sharp intake of breath followed closely by a “yesssssss.” So awesome for Ms. Hope.
“want more space, buy it” logic doesn’t apply to jerks who have slowly taken away 3" of legroom over the years and are now trying to sell it back to you at a premium.
Came here to say this. I flew round trip from Denver to Dallas for less than $100 last year (on spirit). It cost nearly as much as my flight just to park my car at the airport than it did to catch a seat on a goddamn jet airplane.
I swear if some white dudes run for the Democratic nomination for President I’m am going to be pissed. And, yes that includes fucking Bernie. There is a huge list of women of color that should run. The end. This is how the Democratic Party unfucks itself. 4-8 women of color running in the primaries. The final ticket;…
And if John Legend wins he’ll have achieved EGOT.
I always thought Alexis was a dry flat terrible actress as Rory but she really is awesome in The Handmaid’s Tale. She conveys so much with just a look. I was surprised to see this and be like “Oh, she’s actually talented?!” because she was robotic as Rory and not any more impressive in those traveling pants movies.
Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.
Vice could practically goto any HBCU with a women’s golf, softball, or tennis team to find white women. Title 9 is real and white families with athletic daughters are cashing in big time. The NCCU women’s tennis team looks like the overarching qualification is to be from Europe:
The is industry invested in fostering misogynoir because they make their money off of toxic masculinity. For years Russell Simmons preached that calling women bitches and ho’s was an integral part of hip-hop and we have a genre of rap dedicated to romanticizing the drug game and the violence that comes with
No one ever mourns the loss of women who are killed or traumatized by abusive men. No one talks about the potential they had for growth. They are just throwaways, they were never going to achieve anything, but men are always given the benefit of the doubt. They always have infinite potential. Men have to do so little…
Fans like this are scary. There is nothing off the table for them, it’s all good. They support torture and would probably do it themselves if they already haven’t.
Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation
Honest question: has there ever been a time when a LBO ended up being good for the purchased company? I’m trying not to compare everything to Gordon Gecko, but with Mitt Romney’s disastrous buyout of Toys R Us coming to a head, I wonder if it ever works out for the bulk of people (instead of just very, very rich…
I cannot wait to read all of the Jez comments...
Mediocre white kids, and parents of mediocre white kids.