
If you call to hold a fare for 24hours, does the airline still charge you the phone reservation fee?

I said it on the original piece, but this has got to be the stupidest thing written this week.

I had an interview with a large company a few months ago, and they specifically asked that I answer all the questions using this format.

That folding the fitted sheet struggle is SO REAL. All the fitted sheets in my linen closet look like a balled up mess...cause I just gave up & balled them up & threw them in the closet.

You put WAY too much thought into this. I thought it was funny, I laughed. I was surprised at the number of "OMG! This is so wrong! Blah Blah Blah" comments. I left one. I didn't make a judgement about anyone - you however felt I did.

Dude, relax. I didn't say any of that. Way to put 20 on 10.

+1 for the Noah's Arc gif

Is a sense of humor not allowed on Jezebel anymore? I thought this was hilarious...

Thanks! My only conundrum is that I make a lot of $$$ by virtue of what I do, and I'd take a significant pay cut to do what I want to do...but I have the student loans to pay for the fancy degrees that got me the job that pays me a lot of $$$...so that I can pay for the student loans. The cycle never ends! *sigh*

I work at a company where the running joke is "If you've put in a 12hr day, when you leave ppl ask you if you're taking a half day". Its expected that everyone is attached to their computer, their Blackberry, etc & its totally fine to have conference calls at 6AM or 9PM. *sigh* I'm single & childless but sometimes I

My younger brother studied elementary education & is now a 3rd grade teacher & he loves it. And apparently the kids love him. I think I had maybe 1 male teacher in grade school so I think its awesome that my brother teaches younger kids.

1 - I LOVES this advice. I've been in a similar situation as the writer, miserable in a career that I took out loans for & spent numerous years in school studying. So thanks Judy!

Queen Latifah doesn't have a duty to discuss her sexuality with the public. She hasn't commented, which isn't the same as purposely hiding her sexuality or going out of her way to present herself as hetereosexual. People need to get over themselves & stop assuming they deserve to know everything about a person just

As a fellow Minnesotan, thanks for this! Took the words right out of my mouth.

I live in the Twin Cities & lots of companies here (including mine) find it hard to get candidates to move here for some reason. New grads, there's lots of companies in the Twin Cities hiring...especially if you've got a technical background.

Is your roommate willing to move? I work for a huge company & almost all our manufacturing facilities need engineers...but they are in very unglamourous locations.

Wow, that's painting an entire group with a very broad brush.

That pic of Iman? Awesomeness

Twentysomething privileged White girls everywhere rejoice that their story will continue to be told *throws confetti*

Totally why I didn't see it. I expected it to be funny & entertaining but the reviews have all been meh.