
You should. I hate Steve Harvey with the fire of 1000 suns, but my friends convinced me to see the movie anyway. Even tho I hated some things, like Steve Harvey randomly showing up to explain certain things from the book, or how some of the lines were clearly written by 2 Jewish guys, it wasn't a Tyler Perry

My company/site does "Take Your Child To Work Day" in the summer, I suppose so that the kids don't have to miss school. So I was completely clueless that was even today. Anyway, when I was a kid, I'd just sit in my mom's office & visit with her coworkers #boring. At my current company, we have a lot of fun helping the

Stay classy, Sacramento!

Honestly I don't see it happening. There isn't going to be a glut of scientists & engineers in this country, especially native US citizens. There are numerous reasons for this, beginning with the K-12 system in the US which is so totally out of wack & most of the time doesn't set the right foundation for kids to

Anything is possible, but let's be honest - your experience is not the norm in STEM. The vast majority of people who try to enter STEM fields later do it because they have a natural aptitude for math/science. Without it, it's extremely difficult to progress through coursework with the grades that most graduate schools

I was livid, LIVID, when RuPaul didn't announce a winner last night. Wanting viewers to vote on who should win? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I wanted a winner last night dammit!

There's a reason why graduate programs in STEM fields are full of Chinese students - because they don't have the same opportunies in their own country. Sure China is great at building things, but they don't have the same type of economy built on innovation the way the US does. They are trying to get there, but they

Most people who rush into STEM fields solely because they pay well, don't make it through their programs. You need something more than money to motivate you when your senior project is due, or when quantum mechanics is kicking your ass. I personally saw many a person crash & burn while trying to be an engineering or

Math/science in industry are big. Being a math or science teacher however, is not. Mostly cause we treat teachers horribly in this country.

It's the classic "scarcity vs abundance" argument. Many people who are against universal healthcare view healthcare as a scarcity - there's a finite amount & if more people have access to it, then the amount I get will be decreased. A sucky way to think about it, if you ask me.

I forgot the show was even still on the air until I saw my DVR start recording randomly one night & got curious as to what it was recording. The All-Star season was mildly entertaining but even with that one, it lost my attention a few episodes in.

I'm always blown away by the people who scream "I don't want government coming in betwen me & my healthcare!" So, you're good with having a FOR-PROFIT company be in-between you & your healthcare instead? You're good with having some executive get richer by denying your claims & the claims of others, all so they can

So did I but on her dating show...she kind of sucked. Somewhere she lost her cute little bubbly personality & got annoying...

TVOne (another African-American themed channel) did a dating show called "The Ultimate Merger" featuring Omarosa in Season 1 & Tocarra in Season 2. I don't think they've done a version with a bachelor instead of a bachelorette.

ANTM jumped the shark a long time ago anyway...I don't understand why its even still on the air.

I'm so afraid of sending the wrong text to the wrong person...I check my phone like 10 times before I hit send..

I moved apartments within my building (just went 2 doors down) but I never changed my address on my license. I really hope I don't have to.

The Repub-led legislature in my state (Minnesota) tried to pass a voter ID bill last year, but our DFL governor vetoed it. Their answer this year was to make it a Consititutuional Amendment instead, so it will be on the ballot in Nov. I'm super worried that this is going to pass. On the surface it seems like a great

That billboard is so totally awesome.

Not the ALA - its the people who complain to the ALA & want to have these books banned that want to shelter kids. The ALA publishes this list just to show the world how delusional some folks are.