I finished God of War and went directly to Bloodborne, for as bad as the frame rate is, BB is a much better game than anything on the PS4. I finished it and now playing Dark Souls 3, which is good, but not as great as BB.
I finished God of War and went directly to Bloodborne, for as bad as the frame rate is, BB is a much better game than anything on the PS4. I finished it and now playing Dark Souls 3, which is good, but not as great as BB.
Trust me, Suikoden for as good as it was back in the day, is a pain to play these days.
I think anything related to FFVII remake is going to be shown at the Sony Press Conference. I expected new Final Fantasy XV DLC news for sure, surprised they didn’t do that.
Playing it for the first time, boy did I miss out!
I did not enjoy Mario Tennis demo... I think Sports games are very repetitive and even this one with a twist lacks the certain something that makes me come back.
A Kirk Hamilton, funny haha
There’s a reason FFX is more popular than XII, it’s just better. I just played both back to back and FFX’s characters and story is waaaay better than XII’s blah typical empire vs good rebellion story. The character growth in X, the journey, the pilgrimage, is so different. Every character has an arc and every…
By the time he does that new technology will hit the market and the pro wont be as sexy. You have to buy if you really want it
Agree, most of us didn’t own a Wii U, so everything is new.
I didn’t mean to reply to Mr. Miss directly
I’ve played both and the first one is way better.
So, I’m a big JRPG fan, I played and liked the original Ni No Kuni and wasn’t that excited for the sequel specifically because of the main character’s terrible design (I always thought he was a female). After reading many positive reviews, I decided to buy it. I’ve put 10 hours in and probably won’t play it anymore. I…
Final Fantasy has something other RPG’s lack: charm.
they keep adding stuff, why do you complaint? Instead of the company just leaving the game there, they’ve actually added things for longevity.
Not everybody bought the Wii U, I didn’t and bought this new one.
What a wonderful game. I didn’t think I would like this as most indie games end up boring me. Stardew Valley has never grown on me, Shovel Knight feels way too dated for my taste (Don’t like Nintendo era games anymore) so I was skeptical. The reason I tried it out is because of the topic it deals with as my wife has…
I’m finally playing Nier: Automata. I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn, but really couldn’t get into them, XC2 is just too cheesy and Horizon seems soulless. Nier is feeling a lot more like a game I will get to the end. Music is fabulous and it just feels right.
My favorite part of the game is the substory about Laguna and Julia. The fact that Julia composes that song for him and their respective children end up falling in love is probably a thing a lot of people miss. I know you hate Eyes on Me, but for me being a musician, specially being a young romantic teenager at the…
It took me more than an hour to beat this Shrine, one of the best but still not better than the Island.